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Any network-based environment intended for simultaneous interaction with one or more participants such as multimedia, games, chat rooms, and virtual reality.
Spacewander Round Trip
This is a 12 minute tour of the universe from the Planetary society. It is interesting and their are rich resources at the end of the ride.
Africa to Atlantic: Dust to Dust
Article about sand and dust storms in which "the planet's deserts kick up literally millions of tons of dust, and winds send it flying to far-flung destinations where it clogs our lungs, changes soil chemistry, deposits minerals in bodies of water," and cause other environmental damage. Includes a link to images of recent storms, such as the storm in Iraq in August 2005, and links to related sites.
Farm Safety 4 Just Kids
This site has games, quizzes, and other activities designed to teach about safety in a rural environment. The Program Services section has teaching tips and fact sheets on a wide variety of farm safety concerns associated with harvest, equipment, cold weather, livestock, electricity, fire, manure storage, and other possible hazards.
ActiveClassroom is a web-based classroom management and curriculum delivery system that closes the gap between school and home. It provides teachers with the ability to incorporate web-based resources affiliated with adopted textbooks, state testing guidelines or other educational sites directly to their individual classrooms.
African Music and Dance Ensemble
The Ensemble broadens access to knowledge about Africa's rich cultural heritage across the United States, Canada and Europe. The Ensemble has taught the skill, artistry and philosophy that inform the African music and dance traditions.
Biological Diversity in Food and Agriculture
Across the world, debates about the potential dangers of genetically
modified food and the importance of biological diversity continue to
dominate a good deal of public discourse, particularly with regard to
developing nations. This website, designed by the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, explores some of the many issues
surrounding biodiversity in food and agriculture, with important sections
devoted to genetic resources, ecosystems, and the socio-economic impacts
upon this diversity.
Biology Workbench
Biology Workbench Education Enhancement is a collection of tutorials, project links and a discussion group related to the use of the Biology Workbench protein and nucleic acid sequence multi-database research tool developed by the National Computational Science Alliance and hosted at the San Diego Supercomputer Center at the University of California at San Diego. This project invites educators to collaborate and contribute to the development and collection of tutorial.
Transforming the Internet into a powerful environment for teaching and learningFormed with this vision, Washington D.C.-based Blackboard Inc. has become the leading provider of Internet infrastructure software for e-Education.Blackboard offers a complete suite of enterprise software products and services that power a total___e-Education Infrastructure___ for schools, colleges, universities, and other education providers.
Bluetooth: FAQ & Knowledge Base view detail comment email this
Questions and answers about this wireless connection system for personal computers and other related handheld devices, which was named after a Viking and king of Denmark. Topics addressed include situations in which Bluetooth may be used and wireless technology issues.
Cool Science for Curious Kids
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute invites curious kids to explore biology on screen, off screen and in between. http://www.hhmi.org/coolscience/index.htmlhttp://.
Create a Graph
Create a Graph helps students create their own graphs and charts. This online tool can be used to make 4 kinds of charts and graphs: bar graphs, line graphs, area graphs, and pie charts.
This site calls itself an "online travel and adventure guide to the desert regions of the American Southwest." It is much more. There are sections devoted to animals, plants, people (Native Americans, explorers, and ancient peoples), geology, Places to Go (parks, towns, museums, etc), Things to Do (rock, climbing, auto touring, water sports, hiking, etc.), recipes, and more.
Dictionary of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Geographic Information Systems, Cartography, and Remote Sensing
Dictionary of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Geographic Information Systems, Cartography, and Remote Sensing
A browsable dictionary of "abbreviations and acronyms found in various publications including maps and websites. These abbreviations or acronyms ..
Digital Library at the Exploratorium
Digital Library at the Exploratorium
The different collections in the library include digital media and digitized museum materials related to interactive exhibits and scientific phenomena, including images, educational activities in PDF and html formats, QuickTime movies, streaming media, and audio files. You may search, select and download digital files for individual, noncommercial educational use.
Discover Our Earth
Welcome to the Teacher's Guide to Cornell University's Discover Our Earth pages. The Discover Our Earth project provides a variety of resources designed to help you and your students explore Earth processes by accessing primary Earth science data.
Distance Education Clearinghouse
Distance Education ClearinghouseComprehensive, annotated, searchable, up-to-date directory of resources.http://www.uwex.edu/disted/Subject: Distance educationCategory: Directories.
Environmental Science
Stimulating understanding of computational science through collaboration, experiment, exploration, and discovery.
Exploring the Environment
Exploring the Environment (ETE) online series, which features an integrated approach to environmental earth science through modules and activities, is developed at the NASA Classroom of the Future; at Wheeling Jesuit University. Through a cooperative agreement with the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, the ETE online series is supported by NASA's Information Infrastructure Technology and Applications (IITA) Program, which facilitates public use of Earth and Space Science remote sensing databases over the Internet.
Geography Network
The Geography Network is an online resource to discover and access geographic content, including live maps and data, from many of the world's leading providers.
Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE)
Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) This is an international network of students, teachers, and scientists who are studying the global environment. It is made up of over 6,000 schools in more than 70 countries.
Handhelds Go to Class - New short film and story!
In one of the largest school implementations to date, District 230 in the Chicago suburb of Orland Park equipped its three high schools with 2,200 handheld computers in the fall of 2000. Interested teachers were given classroom sets or students could buy or lease the handheld computers.
The Web site iWASwondering.org is a project of the National Academy of Sciences intended to showcase the accomplishments of contemporary women in science and to highlight for young people the varied and intriguing careers of some of today's most prominent female scientists. The site draws from and accompanies the publication of a ten-volume series of biographies entitled Women's Adventures in Science, co-published by the Joseph Henry Press (an imprint of the National Academies Press) and Scholastic Library Publishing.
Journey North
(Webby Award)
On this community-building Web site, students track migratory species and post their own field observations, as well as their notes about daylight, temperatures, and other aspects of the natural world. Some satellite coverage of migrations provides live data of individual animals as they move.
Musical Plates: A Study of Plate Tectonics
This project taps into some of the exciting applications of the Internet in education by having students access real time earthquake data, interact with experts online, and publish their own work
Features: Hands-on investigation Lesson ideas Assessment Data sources Ask an expert Inquiry materials
http://www.k12science.org/curriculum/musicalplates3/en/index.shtml .
National Parks Associated with African Americans: An Ethnographic Perspective
National Parks Associated with African Americans: An Ethnographic Perspective is an interactive map that links to some of the many national parks commemorating the African American story in our nation's culture, heritage, and history. It also includes links to parks having less well known or only recently uncovered associations with African Americans.
National Severe Storm Laboratory's Weather Room
This page provides general information for kids, parents, and teachers. Elementary school coloring books are available for printing and use for weather education.
Operation DeepScope
Bring the excitement of current ocean science discoveries to your students using this new Ocean Exploration curriculum
Learning Ocean Science through Ocean Exploration: A Curriculum for Grades 6-12
From bioluminescent corals to deep-vent worms, from tropical underwater volcanoes to the Arctic Ocean floor, we know less about the landscape of our ocean than we do about the moon's. Bring the excitement of current ocean science discoveries to your students using this Ocean Exploration curriculum and a CD-ROM of the Ocean Explorer Web site from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Questacon, Australia's National Science and Technology Center
Welcome to Questacon, Australia's National Science & Technology Centre! Questacon runs exciting educational programmes and exhibitions both in our headquarters in Canberra, and all around Australia! Here in Canberra your class can spend an evening or even sleepover at Questacon, see a science show or have the Questacon Balloon visit your school! Find more on our teacher's calendar. If you're in Sydney we have the Science Squad, and maybe the Shell Questcon Science Circus or Questacon Smart Moves team will be coming your way if you live further away.
Race and Place , an African American Community in the Jim Crow South
Race and Place: An African American Community in the Jim Crow South is a collaborative work with the Woodson Institute for Afro-American and African Studies at UVA. The project examines the era of segregation in one community and explores African American politics, families, schools, businesses, churches, and other institutions to gain perspective on African American history and the culture of the segregated South.http://.
The Bioluminescence Web Page
- A collection of beautiful photos and a few movies along with the science behind and current research about bioluminescence. By researchers at the University of California Santa Barbara.
The Concord Consortium
The Concord Consortium is a nonprofit educational research and development organization based in Concord, Massachusetts. We create interactive materials that exploit the power of information technologies.
The Dynamic Earth
An interactive treasure trove for earth science scholars and students. Information is available in text form and in interactive multimedia.
The Exploratorium
This is a very rich web site which is from a learning place that has a variety of resources for teachers, students, and parents. There are the ten cool sites, and there are webcasts, and all kinds of learning involving sports , physics and lots of science and math.
The Galapagos Islands
Explore Galápagos Guide to see, hear, and learn about the island wildlife, landscape, and even about the undersea submersible used by scientists in the film to explore the Galápagos waters. Classroom Investigations contains downloadable and online activities to use at home or in class.
The GLOBE Program
GLOBE -- Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment is a worldwide network of students, teachers, and scientists working together to study and understand the global environment. Students and teachers from more than 9,500 schools in over 90 countries collect data that are then used by scientists and other researchers.
The K-12 Aeronautics Internet Textbook
The principles of aeronautics for elementary and middle school children, presented in three levels in English and Spanish for beginning, intermediate, and advanced students. Curriculum Bridges provides activities that show the relationships between aeronautics and math, language arts, social studies, visual/performing arts, and literature.
Window to My Environment
Window To My Environment (WME) is a powerful web-based tool that provides a wide range of federal, state, and local information about environmental conditions and features in an area of your choice. A "powerful new web-based tool that provides a wide range of federal, state, and local information about environmental conditions and features in an area of your choice." Find regulated facilities, monitoring sites, maps, Superfund sites, air and water quality, fish advisories, and much more.
Workable Peace
The Workable Peace project offers in-depth role plays on Guatemala, Northern Ireland, Ancient Greece, the Middle East, and Rwanda. These materials are designed to integrate into World History and Global Studies courses, and to teach history while also teaching skills of collaboration, problem-solving, and conflict resolution.