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  • Cezanne in Provence
    Cézanne in Provence Companion to "the principal international exhibition marking 2006 as the centenary of the death of Paul Cézanne (1839-1906). ..
  • Cool Science for Curious Kids
    The Howard Hughes Medical Institute invites curious kids to explore biology on screen, off screen and in between.
  • Mathtools
    This site offers hundreds of math lesson plans, learning activities, and stories for kindergarten through grade 7, and covers algebra, geometry, calculus, and probability and statistics. Specific topics include estimation, fractions, fractals, tessellations, platonic solids, and much more.
  • Race and Place , an African American Community in the Jim Crow South
    Race and Place: An African American Community in the Jim Crow South is a collaborative work with the Woodson Institute for Afro-American and African Studies at UVA. The project examines the era of segregation in one community and explores African American politics, families, schools, businesses, churches, and other institutions to gain perspective on African American history and the culture of the segregated South.http://.
  • The TEACH Toolkit
    An Online Resource for Understanding Copyright and Distance Education. The Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization Act (TEACH Act) "updates copyright law pertaining to transmissions of performances and displays of copyrighted materials.