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Secondary source

Secondary sources are written in response to a primary source. Secondary sources are usually criticism, reviews, or are based on another book or journal.

  • Digital Library for Earth System Education
    Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE) DLESE is a "geoscience community resource that supports teaching and learning about the Earth system." It is "being built by a community of educators, students, and scientists to support Earth system education at all levels and in both formal and informal settings." Resources include links to "lesson plans, scientific data, visualizations, interactive computer models, and virtual field trips," plus materials for educators. Searchable.
  • Illustrated Shakespeare, 1826-1919
    "This online collection of selected electronic facsimiles seeks to share with a wider audience meetings of book art and Shakespearean text, and suggests the variety of responses of visual and book artists to the stimulus of Shakespeare's words. This online collection of 12 works ..
  • NewsCenter: Up to the Minute News Resources
    Links for major wire services, one-stop shops, search for news, U.S. news, business news, international news, technology, entertainment, and more.
  • Cool Science for Curious Kids
    The Howard Hughes Medical Institute invites curious kids to explore biology on screen, off screen and in between.
  • Mozart 2006: 250th Anniversary
    Mozart 2006: 250th Anniversary This site accompanies the festivities surrounding the 250-year celebration of the birth of composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart on January 27, 2006. Includes biographical information, information about visiting sites associated with Mozart, descriptions of his works (orchestral, chamber, sacred, and for the state), and a calendar of events in Austria.
  • My Slave Ancestors
    A site operated by Johni Cerny, who was the primary researcher into the ancestries of Henry Louis Gates and his guests during the production of AFRICAN AMERICAN LIVES. Cerny offers resources for those interested in beginning their own research projects into their African American ancestry, ranging from sample pages of important records to a useful set of downloadable forms.