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Link: allows teachers to create learning games and quizzes. Start at the Quia Directory, then log in for free for thirty days to start creating activities.What is Quia?Quia is pronounced key-ah and is short for Quintessential Instructional Archive. Quia provides a variety of educational services, including: _A directory of thousands of online activities and quizzes in more than 50 subject areas _Templates for creating 14 different types of online activities, including flashcards, matching, concentration (memory), word search, hangman, jumbled words, ordered list, picture perfect, pop-ups, challenge board, scavenger hunt, rags to riches (a quiz-show style trivia game), columns, and cloze exercises. _Tools for creating online quizzes with up to eight question types _Quiz administration and reporting tools _Class Web pages _Calendars and schedules _Online surveys The Quia DirectoryFree feature it is only free for thirty days. After that it is fee based.The Quia Directory is a great starting point for new users. It is a collection of thousands of activities categorized into 50 subject areas.

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