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Practicing What We Teach:how learning theory can guide development of online educational activities


Practicing What We Teach:how learning theory can guide development of online educational activitiesDavid T. Schallerand Steven Allison-Bunnell,Educational Web Adventures (Eduweb)http://www.eduweb.comAbstractSince the World Wide Web became in 1994 the first new mass medium since television, online learning design has evolved at Internet speed, taking in less than a decade what it took exhibit design over a century to develop in sophistication. Although virtual exhibits consisting of pictures and text are still common, educational Web designers increasingly employ techniques borrowed from interactive exhibits developers, video game producers, and museum educators to create compelling activities that fully exploit the strengths of the new medium. Constructivist learning theory often informs these new approaches. However, transplanting learning theory from the classroom or museum environment to the Web poses unique challenges. In this paper, we review several theories of learning and explore ways that we have tried to incorporate them into our development and design process for interactive Web sites.

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