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Technology Applications for Learning
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Aiming to reduce the amount of tedious work a student must perform after writing a paper, has created a free-to-use web site that quickly produces "works cited" pages for its users in three simple steps. First, the user must choose from among three style formats--Modern Language Association, American Physiological Association, or Chicago citation style--as well as the type of medium (print, electronic, or audio/visual) and the source of the material (book, film, web site, newspaper, etc.). The user then enters the appropriate information into the blank fields, including title, author, page, published date, etc., for printed works. Finally, the user saves the information and is able to export it to Microsoft Word, where it is properly formatted and ready to print. Users can make multiple entries, and these resources will be formatted and alphabetized automatically. This free educational tool reduces a student's time and energy by eliminating the need to memorize the many confusing rules that are inherent in works-cited pages, organizers say.

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