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Ask Jeeves


One experience all Net users share is "search engine frustration." Some choose to become experts at Boolean logic, others learn which search engine to choose based upon the task at hand. Isn't the answer really to make software that's smarter? Isn't that what the Web did for the Net? Ask Jeeves takes the first leap forward in search engine technology in years. At Ask Jeeves, users enter questions to which Jeeves responds with an array of related queries. Each question links to a Web site that can hold the answer. In addition, a meta search of popular search engines offers up their potential hits. An immediate application is to use Ask Jeeves to quickly find a hotlist of good sites while you build a Web-based activity using Filamentality (sorry about the plug, but it's a match made in heaven). Also, Ask Jeeves for Kids does a fine job of tailoring searches and their results to classroom requirements. But realize Ask Jeeves and "for Kids" are both search engines, not filters, and the usual conditions apply concerning what students might encounter when searching the Net. (added 12/8/98, reviewed 5/13/99)

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