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Researching Existing Conditions


Researching Existing ConditionsWritten by Gilbert Valdez, PhD, Director of the Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum Center at the North Central Regional Educational LaboratoryUseful indicators for researching your existing conditions are summarized below.The summary provides an overview of the existing learning and technology conditions the participant demonstration sites investigated during their technology planning and implementation.The studies of conditions included:Student and community learning needs;Learning needs of the 21st century such as those noted in the SCANS Report;New research on learning and teaching;Technology knowledge of teachers, administrators, students and communities;Conditions of facilities;Inventories of existing technology available in the schools.The ISBE demonstration site, Township High School District 214, has an on-line "Existing Conditions Quiz" that you may take to determine your own technology basic skills profile. For a more in-depth self-analysis and engaged learning and performance technology profile, complete the NCRTEC interactive questionnaire.

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