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a computer program in source or compiled form whichmay be available for installation non-transiently on anothermachine. For software which exists only to create an interactiveenvironment, use interactive instead.
3D Studio MAX R3 demo
3D Studio MAX R3 demo:http://www.autodesk.com/dyf/coolstuff/maxdemo_1.htmlWant to find out how 3D computer animation works?Learn about Discreet's amazing animation software. Thisfeature explains and demonstrates 3D Studio MAX R3.Also, try the interactive demo!.
BGuILE learning environments
BGuILE learning environments bring scientific inquiry into middle school science and high school biology classrooms. The environments consist of computer-based scenarios and associated classroom activities in which students conduct authentic scientific investigations.
Transforming the Internet into a powerful environment for teaching and learningFormed with this vision, Washington D.C.-based Blackboard Inc. has become the leading provider of Internet infrastructure software for e-Education.Blackboard offers a complete suite of enterprise software products and services that power a total___e-Education Infrastructure___ for schools, colleges, universities, and other education providers.
Digital Photo Librarian Image Editor 4.0
For persons hoping to catalog and modify extensive digitized photo collections, the Digital Photo Librarian application will be a welcome addition to their software library. The application allows users to manage large photo collections, along with providing the capability of supporting a variety of image formats.
Discovering Native Americans and Their Culture
Virtual Classroom Tour: Native American CultureStudents explore Native American culture in this innovative lesson plan.http://www.microsoft.com/education/?ID=VCTNativeAmericans.
GIS software can help learners of all ages grasp the ways that geography affects their everyday lives and the world around them. GIS helps students and teachers engage in studies that require and promote critical thinking, integrated learning, and multiple intelligences--at any grade level.
K-12 GIS for Educators
GIS software can help learners of all ages grasp the ways that geography affects their everyday lives and the world around them. GIS helps students and teachers engage in studies that require and promote critical thinking, integrated learning, and multiple intelligences--at any grade level.
K12 Handhelds
K12 HandheldsHandhelds is a company which focuses on handheld computing in education. It provides schools with integrated solutions for handheld use in education that include: planning, professional development, hardware, software and applications, educational bundles, implementation and support, and assessment.
Resource Listing for Weather and Climate
*Instruction - This document is intended to assist those who teach weather and climate at any level from pre-school through introductory college level courses, by listing some of the available instructional resources. Teachers will find information about resources from the American Meteorological Society and Project Atmosphere including the formation of the Atmospheric Education Resource Agent (AERA) network, DataStreme, AAAS, the American Geological Institute, and others, with information about audiovisual materials, computer software, and data sources.
Founded in 1965, TERC is a not-for-profit education research and development organization in Cambridge, Massachusetts.TERC's mission is to improve mathematics, science, and technology teaching and learning. TERC works at the edges of current theory and practice to:*contribute to understanding of learning and teaching*foster professional development*develop applications of new technologies*create curricula and other products*support school reformThey imagine a future in which learners from diverse communities engage in creative, rigorous, and reflective inquiry as an integral part of their lives.
Thread Tracker 0.8.7
Many people working with computers find themselves joining any number ofonline forums, and this helpful application will help them keep track oftheir posts and responses. Essentially, Thread Tracker notifies users whenreplies have been made to their posts and threads.