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Active Learning with Technology
The first 6 modules of the Active Learning with Technology professional development portfolio set the stage for understanding how constructivist learning environments are created and implemented. The modules demonstrate learner-centered instructional and classroom management settings such as inquiry-based learning, project-based learning, small group learning, and using commonly available software to support a learner-centered environment.
Archives of African-American Music&Culture
Archives of African-American Music&CultureWeb site devoted to the collection, preservation, and dissemination of materials for the purpose of research and study of African-American music and culture.http://www.indiana.edu/~aaamc.
AskA+ Locator
AskA+ LocatorThis directory of online question answering services (AskA) is "designed to link students, teachers, parents and other K-12 community members with experts on the Internet." Each service listing includes identification information (e.g., publisher, e-mail address, contact name, and links), scope, target audience, and a general description of the service. Searchable and browsable.
Best of History Web Sites
This site provides categorized links to hundreds of "history-related web sites that have been reviewed for quality, accuracy and usefulness. Sites with engaging content and useful multimedia technologies are most likely to be included.
Chinatown Banquet
Chinatown Banquet A community-based public art and education project based on the metaphor of a Chinese banquet raising awareness about the history, culture and conditions of Boston Chinatown, the city's most densely populated residential neighborhood.
Consumer Jungle: Promoting Consumer Literacy for Young Adults
Consumer Jungle is a web-based program that helps turn high school students into savvy consumers. Site includes student activities, unit plans for teachers and information for parents.
Extensive collection of briefly annotated links for teachers, administrators, and parents, organized into categories, or browse an alphabetical subject/keyword list. Includes specific subjects (animals, science, etc.) as well as specialized educational resources (home schooling, standards&assessment, etc.).
Encarta Schoolhouse
Encarta SchoolhouseThis MSN Encarta site offers resources for teachers, including lesson plans, educational sites, and educational technologies.
Evaluation Design and Tools
Walker's evaluation design model is intended to help answer three basic questions:1. Why should you evaluate your project?2.
A cleaver, animated site with activities related to "ology", the study of something. Website includes activities about genetics, paleontology,astronomy and biodiversity.
The Anacostia Museum and Center for African-American History and Culture
Focuses on modern African-American history and culture.
The Braille Bug
The American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) created the Braille Bug web site to teach sighted children about braille, and to encourage literacy among all children. AFB--a national nonprofit founded in 1921 and the organization to which Helen Keller devoted more than 40 years of her life--addresses the critical issues, such as literacy, that are facing America's ten million blind or visually impaired children and adults.
The Dirksen Congressional Center's Web Suite
The Dirksen Congressional Center conducts programming in four areas: historical collections, research, education, and community service. Select from the list on the left to learn more about specific programs.
The Global Schoolhouse
Offers programs that help teachers integrate use of the Internet into their teaching. Intended for all levels of Internet use, and includes activities for students at all age levels.