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A service is a system that provides one or morefunctions of value to the end-user. Examples include: a photocopyingservice, a banking service, an authentication service, interlibraryloans, a Z39.50 or Web server.
An Overview of Reading Comprehension Instruction, Past and Present
This PowerPoint presentation on comprehension instruction is one of a series of presentations and workshops for teachers produced by Literacy Leaders as part of NREA coursework (Note: these workshops are copyrighted by NREA and the authors. You are welcome to use/adapt them to your school under two conditions: a) that you give credit to the author, and b) that you return a copy of improved/adapted versions of the workshop to the NREA in care of Joan Taylor (
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Center for Digital Storytelling
The Center for Digital Storytelling is a California-based non-profit arts organization rooted in the art of personal storytelling. We assist young people and adults in using the tools of digital media to craft, record, share, and value the stories of individuals and communities, in ways that improve all our lives.
CforAT Center for Accessible Technology
The Center for Accessible Technology (CforAT) began life in 1983 when a group of parents of children with disabilities came together to develop strategies for including their children into mainstream elementary school settings. With an initial focus on computer technology, these parents developed models whereby kids with disabilities could be fully included in the school curriculum.The Center has kept its inclusion focus, and over time has broadened its goals to include participation in higher education, employment and community.
How the Weather Service Gets the Word Out
How the Weather Service Gets the Word Out - This document shows how the National Weather Service (NWS) strives to utilize the latest technologies available for the dissemination of climate, water, and weather data and information. Timely access to weather information is provided through NWS systems, including the - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Weather Radio (NWR) - NOAA Weather Wire Service (NWWS) - Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (EMWIN) - Interactive Weather Information Network (IWIN) Teachers will find information about resources from the American Meteorological Society and Project Atmosphere including the formation of the Atmospheric Education Resource Agent (AERA) network, DataStreme, AAAS, the American Geological Institute, and others, with information about audiovisual materials, computer software, and data
National Hurricane Center
Get satellite imagery and radar maps of the latest storms at this informative and potentially life-saving resource.
Practical Money Skills for Life
Created by the folks at Visa, this website checks out as a good learning center for all ages. Lessons (look under For Teachers) include Spending Plans (for younger children) up to Living on your Own (for college age students).