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  • Educator Digital Assets
    Explore the Exploratorium's Digital Assets.They have collected and digitized museum materials related to interactive exhibits and scientific phenomena, including images, educational activities, and other exhibit-related resources. You will be able to search, select and download digital files for educational use.
    iLoveLanguages is a comprehensive catalog of language-related Internet resources. The more than 2400 links at iLoveLanguages have been hand-reviewed to bring you the best language links the Web has to offer.
  • Crosspoint Anti Racism
    Crosspoint Anti RacismAn international, searchable collection of briefly annotated links covering such topics as anti-racism/anti-fascism, migrants, anti-Semitism/Shoah, migrants/diversity, indigenous people, Jewish resources/Shoah, human rights/refugees, disability resources, Roma/Sinti/Travellers, gays & lesbians, and women's rights. Can be browsed by country or by topic.
  • Exploratoirum, Journey to Mars
    Spirit and Opportunity, the twin Mars Exploration Rovers, are speeding toward their January rendezvous with the red planet. For the latest information about their progress, and to see what should be the greatest images of Mars ever taken, the Exploratorium is the place to be.
  • Google Image Search
    GoogleAnother coup for Google. They've hit the Web with the best image search engine.
  • Musee
    Free registration is required to access much of the site information and directory listings of 37,000 museums around the world including art, science, history, zoos, archaeology, aquariums, and more. The site features current exhibits, education, entertainment, archive reviews, and shopping links.
  • Virginia Historical Society (VHS)
    This organization, founded in 1831, had Chief Justice John Marshall and former president James Madison as founding members. The site provides information about current and past exhibits on topics such as Patrick Henry, car racing and rodding in Virginia, and "The Story of Virginia, an American Experience Long-term exhibition ..
  • 3D Studio MAX R3 demo
    3D Studio MAX R3 demo: to find out how 3D computer animation works?Learn about Discreet's amazing animation software. Thisfeature explains and demonstrates 3D Studio MAX R3.Also, try the interactive demo!.
  • A Jazz Improvisation Primer
    A Jazz Improvisation Primer "Here you can find information on almost any topic relating to jazz improvisation, from jazz history to music theory to practical advice on playing in a group." Includes annotated bibliography and discography. Online version of text written by Marc Sabatella.
  • actDEN (Digital Education Network): Software Tutorials and Online Courses
    High-quality software tutorials and online courses for educators, parents and students of all ages.
  • Africa Photos from the California Academy of Sciences
    Nearly 700 images of "African animals, plants, landscapes, and people/culture." Searchable by name, type, country, location, and photographer. A part of CalPhotos, from the Digital Library Project, University of California, Berkeley.
  • American Memory Project
    American Memory is a gateway to rich primary source materials relating to the history and culture of the United States. From the U.S.
  • Ask a Librarian
    Email your research questions or chat online with a Library of Congress reference librarian.
  • Ask Dr. Math
    Ask Dr. Math is a question and answer service for math students and their teachers.
  • AskA+ Locator
    AskA+ LocatorThis directory of online question answering services (AskA) is "designed to link students, teachers, parents and other K-12 community members with experts on the Internet." Each service listing includes identification information (e.g., publisher, e-mail address, contact name, and links), scope, target audience, and a general description of the service. Searchable and browsable.
  • Assessment Research by Roberta Furger
    Academic research points to the benefits -- and identifies ongoing challenges -- of implementing performance assessments in K-12 classrooms. Studies also identify the impact technology can have and is having on both classroom and large-scale assessments.
  • Assessments of Multimedia Technology in Education
    This is a Bibliography of a growing body of research devoted to assessing the effectiveness of multimedia in all levels of education, including corporate and military training.
    Features reviewed resources for teaching about asteroids, astrobiology, the big bang theory, black holes, cosmology, dark matter, galaxies, the Milky Way, telescopes & satellites, planet formation, planetary atmospheres, space exploration, stars, the sun, & more. (NSF) Welcome to the alpha test version of, a collection of Astronomy 101 digital resources for teachers and students.
  •, which began as a research experiment in 1993 at Columbia University, has grown into a high-quality reference tool and an extensive repository of classic literature. It includes works by hundreds of authors: including over 10,000 poems and 86,000 quotations.
  • Bernie Dodge's Rubrics for Web Lessons
    Bernie Dodge, the creator of the WebQuest, has put together a good resources for teachers on rubrics. This page has information about using rubrics, links to articles, a few examples of rubrics, guidelines for creating a rubric, and a few good sites for further exploration.
  • Best of History Web Sites
    This site provides categorized links to hundreds of "history-related web sites that have been reviewed for quality, accuracy and usefulness. Sites with engaging content and useful multimedia technologies are most likely to be included.
  • Building a Digital Workforce
    Taking action to close the IT skills gap in the current and future workforce is a critical challenge for business, labor, education, government, and the nonprofit sector that requires urgent attention by all stakeholders. This report sets out NPA's Digital Economic Opportunity Committee's recommendations for increasing the number of U.S.
    The Center for Applied Research in Educational Technology bridges education technology research to practice by offering research-based answers to critical questions. The site allows you to browse questions and answers, search for studies, and receive notification of new research related to your interests.
  • Case Creator - A Video-based Case Creation Tool
    The Case Creator allows you to import up to five videos and their corresponding transcripts, synchronize the videos with the transcripts, search the transcripts and cue the video to the desired search result. You can add bookmarks and annotations to the videos and share them with your students.
  • Chinatown Banquet
    Chinatown Banquet A community-based public art and education project based on the metaphor of a Chinese banquet raising awareness about the history, culture and conditions of Boston Chinatown, the city's most densely populated residential neighborhood.
  • Classroom Support
    Classroom SupportThese resources help education professionals assess skill levels for both teachers and students, and set grade-appropriate goals for students. This section also includes links to education information, provides teachers with ideas for technology-based lesson plans, and includes the tools necessary for creating appropriate use policies for these new technologies.
  • Comparison of Search Engine User Interface Capabilities
    This table shows "the search tool features different robot-driven search engines offer." Created by Gillian Westera, a librarian at Curtin University of Technology, Bentley, Western Australia.
  • Cooper Hewitt, The National Design Museum
    Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, Smithsonian Institution is the only museum in the United States devoted exclusively to historic and contemporary design. The Museum believes that design shapes our objects, environments, and communications, making them more desirable, functional, and accessible.
  • Critical Evaluation of Information Resources
    You can begin evaluating a physical information source (a book or an article for instance) even before you have the physical item in hand. Appraise a source by first examining the bibliographic citation.
  • Design Your Own Robot
    Design Your Own Robot from Museum of Science, Boston Robots have long been part of the popular imagination. Most people have some vague ideas about robots from having read about them in science fiction stories or seeing them in movies, on television, and elsewhere.
  • Digital Classroom
    This well organized site provides materials from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), methods for teaching with primary sources, and sample lesson plans for K-12 teachers. Nearly twenty topics are outlined in Primary Sources and Activities, including such subjects as Constitution Day, the Amistad case, black soldiers during the Civil War, and Jackie Robinson as a civil rights advocate.
  • Digital Photos Online
    Digital Photos OnlineWesley FryerThere used to be a considerable delay between capturing an event on film and sharing the resulting photos with others and it was also very costly. Digital photography, based on bits rather than atoms, is dramatically changing this process.
  • Discovery is part of the Discovery Communication, Inc. The website provides teaching materials for teachers, resources for students, and advice for parents about how to help their kids enjoy learning and excel in school.
  • Distance Education Clearinghouse
    Distance Education ClearinghouseComprehensive, annotated, searchable, up-to-date directory of resources. Distance educationCategory: Directories.
  • Earth Observing System (EOS) Education Project*
    The Earth Observing System (EOS) Education Project disseminates Earth system science imagery and supportive curriculum to the global kindergarten through undergraduate level (K-16) education community. The EOS Education Project provides Internet-based and on-site training for the K-16 education community in the interpretation, utilization and relevancy of EOS mission imagery.
  • Educator's Reference Desk
    Educator's Reference Desk is a Internet-based service providing education information to teachers and others interested in education.
    Extensive collection of briefly annotated links for teachers, administrators, and parents, organized into categories, or browse an alphabetical subject/keyword list. Includes specific subjects (animals, science, etc.) as well as specialized educational resources (home schooling, standards&assessment, etc.).
  • eNature
    Kudos to the National Audobon Society for this great site. Now, you have access to field guides for more than 4800 species of plants and animals.
  • Encarta Schoolhouse
    Encarta SchoolhouseThis MSN Encarta site offers resources for teachers, including lesson plans, educational sites, and educational technologies.
  • ETB Thesaurus
    The European Treasury Browser (ETB) Project has recently released amultilingual thesaurus available in eight languages: Danish, English,French, German, Greek, Italian, Spanish, and Swedish. The thesaurus is"aimed at indexing educational resources" and building an "interoperableinfrastructure to exchange and network metadata on educational resources forschools in Europe." The project seeks to add value to national resourcecollections by allowing teachers and students to locate Europe resources.The thesaurus gives users access to all resources, regardless of theindexing method used.
  • Ethics in Computing
    Browse or search for information about the basics of ethics in computing or specific topics such as privacy, free speech, computer abuse, intellectual property, risks, commerce, and social justice in this tidily organized set of links.
  • Evaluating Information Found on the Internet
    Time-tested, librarian-created guide to copyright, intellectual property, fair use, propaganda, misinformation, disinformation, bias and resource evaluation. Excellent.
  • Evaluating Web Resources
    This site, created by two librarians at the Wolfgram Memorial Library of Widener University, provides a set of checklists to help users analyze the quality of the information at various websites. Types of pages include advocacy, business/marketing, informational, news, and personal web pagesThis is an example of learning to evaluate the resources on the web.
  • Exploring the Environment
    Exploring the Environment (ETE) online series, which features an integrated approach to environmental earth science through modules and activities, is developed at the NASA Classroom of the Future; at Wheeling Jesuit University. Through a cooperative agreement with the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, the ETE online series is supported by NASA's Information Infrastructure Technology and Applications (IITA) Program, which facilitates public use of Earth and Space Science remote sensing databases over the Internet.
  • Feeding America: The Historic American Cookbook Project
    The Michigan State University Library, in partnership with the MSU Museum,have created a fascinating look into American epicurean history with their online trove of influential 19th and early 20th century American cookbooks.
  • Filters and Filtering
    The Office of Intellectual Freedom of the American Library Association has pulled together a lot of information on their site that deals with the filtering issue as well as providing links to more information, including a summary and the full text of the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA), information on the Neighborhood Children___s Internet Protection Act (NCIPA), news articles, and more. This is a site to guide the individual teacher.
  • Finding Information on the Internet
    The best introduction to Internet searching on the Web. Be sure to check out the section on how to choose search tools - there is an excellent chart comparing the features of the major Web search engines and directories.
  • Gina Amenta-Shin Ed. D.
    Gina is a member of ISTE's NETS for Teachers Writing Team and NSCD's Staff Development Standards for Online Learning Team . Through her past experiences as both a doctoral student and professor, Gina has developed multiple perspectives of distance learning - using interactive technology and virtual communities to facilitate online professional development.
    GIS software can help learners of all ages grasp the ways that geography affects their everyday lives and the world around them. GIS helps students and teachers engage in studies that require and promote critical thinking, integrated learning, and multiple intelligences--at any grade level.
  • Google Labs
    This experimental site from the Google search engine "showcases a few of our favorite ideas that aren't quite ready for prime time." Play with keyboard shortcuts, telephone searching, a glossary (thesaurus), and more.
    This site introduces you to the five Guggeheim Museums. Venice, Italy; New York; Berlin, GR; Bilbao, Spain; Las Vegas, NV.
  • Handheld
    The purpose of this site is to help teachers and students improve teaching and learning through the use of handheld computers.
  • HTML Goodies
    Have you ever seen colorful text or a pull down menu on a Web site and wondered how they were done? A visit to the HTML Goodies site should answer most of your questions. The HTML Primers section offers lessons for beginners and HTML Tutorials has 98 tutorials to take you to the next level.
  • Hubble Heritage Project
    The Hubble Heritage Project This site makes the most of what Hubble has to offer, with a gallery of gorgeous images, plus other art inspired by them. It also links to astronomy background resources, the news desk of
  • Illuminations
    Designed to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics. Offers interactive lessons for students, lesson plans for teachers, and math applets, all arranged by grade level.
  • In Search of the Ways of Knowing Trail
    - Your jeep breaks down on your way to the remote village of Epulu in central Africa. You along with four youths from different local cultures are forced to walk through the Ituri Forest to get there.
  • Index of Native American Cultural Resources
    Index of Native American Cultural Resources A comprehensive directory of Native American information, including Web sites about Native American culture, history, education, and jobs.
  • Integrating Internet, Instruction and Curriculum) Engaged Learning Home Page
    The Fermilab LInC Online (Leadership Institute Integrating Internet, Instruction and Curriculum) Engaged Learning Home Page, links to online resources designed to help you understand the indicators of engaged learning, indicators of high technology performance and good project design. Categories include: Engaged Learning Project Simulations Investigating Engaged Learning Analyzing Project Elements Creating a Project Proposal Writing Your Project .
  • International Reading Association (IRA)
    This professional organization's site highlights the latest educational legislation. The organization seeks to promote "high levels of literacy for all by improving the quality of reading instruction, disseminating research and information about reading, and encouraging the lifetime reading habit." Find publications, program descriptions, professional standards, links, meeting notices, news, and membership information.
  • ISTE National Educational Technology Standards and Performance Indicators
    Today's teacher preparation programs provide a variety of alternative paths to initial licensure. They address economic conditions, needs of prospective teachers, and the demands of employing school districts.
  • K12 Handhelds
    K12 HandheldsHandhelds is a company which focuses on handheld computing in education. It provides schools with integrated solutions for handheld use in education that include: planning, professional development, hardware, software and applications, educational bundles, implementation and support, and assessment.
  • Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators
    A categorized list of sites useful for enhancing curriculum and professional growth. It includes links to lesson plans, clip art, puzzlemaker, science fair ideas, brainboosters and more.
  • KidsClick!
    A searchable, browsable directory of over 6,300 web resources for children and those who work with them. Grouped into fifteen major categories with many sub-categories, entries are briefly annotated and include the number of illustrations and reading level.
  • KITE - 1000 cases on how to integrate technology in K-12 classrooms
    KITE is a case-based reasoning system that is designed to help K-12 teachers to integrate technology in their classroom. The system has a 1000 cases (July 2003) and has multiple options to search to the context of the teacher.
    Created by South Carolina ETV for K–12 students and teachers, is a free, online collection of resources designed for classroom use. This educational portal contains image collections, videos, virtual tours, narratives, documents, and interactive games and stories to support and provide quality learning experiences for students using the Internet as an information tool.
  • LD Online
    LD Online has a special section on how technology can diminish barriersfor children.
  • Learning to Adapt Lesson Plans to Different Teaching Styles and Computer Configurations
    How do you adapt a lesson to different teaching styles and classroom computer configurations. This is an important resource because many teachers can access the lesson plans, but need to learn to tailor them for their own uses.
  • Math Across the Curriculum
    Dartmouth College's multidisciplinary program integrates math into everything from music and Earth science to architecture and engineering.
  • Math-lets
    Math_lets are math applets you can use to explore math and create interactive lessons. See our i-Math Investigations for examples of lessons that use Math_lets.
  • Mathematics Teacher Education Resource Place
    The Mathematics Teacher Education Resource Place is a website dedicated to supporting and improving the preparation of mathematics teachers (preK-16) by providing on-line resources, hot links, and a professional forum for those engaged in the teaching of mathematics content and methods courses, or in the field supervision of beginning teachers.
  • Microsoft Office Clip Art and Media
    Extensive clipart, templates, and media for Microsoft Office.
  • National Archives and Record Administration: Access to Archival
    Online access to a selection of nearly 50 million historic electronic records created by more than 20 federal agencies on a wide range of topics. that contains close to 50 million historical records, culled from 350 archival sources from 20 different federal agencies.
  • National Foundation for the Improvement of Education
    NFIE provides grants and technical assistance to teachers, education support personnel, and higher education faculty and staff to improve student learning in the nation's public schools. Find out about new grant opportunities.
  • National Hurricane Center
    Get satellite imagery and radar maps of the latest storms at this informative and potentially life-saving resource.
  • National Teacher Training Institute: Lesson Plan Database
    National Teacher Training Institute: Lesson Plan Database. Visit this Web site from the National Teacher Training Institute (NTTI) for a set of engaging lesson plans for middle and high school students.
  • NGA CLASSROOM for Teachers and Students
    The Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE) is a distributed community effort involving educators, students, and scientists working together to improve the quality, quantity, and efficiency of teaching and learning about the Earth system at all levels. Welcome to a place where teachers and students can connect art and curriculum.
  • Ology
    A cleaver, animated site with activities related to "ology", the study of something. Website includes activities about genetics, paleontology,astronomy and biodiversity.
  • Origins of Writing
    Origins of WritingAn exploration of the development of writing that includes Chinese and Korean calligraphy; hieroglyphics of the Mayans, Egyptians, and Olmecs; literacy in Europe; alphabets; the evolution of spoken and written Gaelic in Ireland; and Ogham, the language of the Celts. Additionally, there is information about the Mayan calendar and numbering system, Public Texts In Ancient Societies, writing mediums and systems, and more.
  • Palm Applications in Education
    Palm Applications in Education. Information and reviews on education applications.
  • Practical Money Skills for Life
    Created by the folks at Visa, this website checks out as a good learning center for all ages. Lessons (look under For Teachers) include Spending Plans (for younger children) up to Living on your Own (for college age students).
  • Research It!
    - dictionary, thesaurus, famous quotes, maps, translation .
  • Robotics Education Project
    NASA's Robotics Education Project is intended to raise children's interest in robotics and promote it as a possible career choice. The Web site highlights many applications of robots, such as space exploration, medicine, and mechanical automation.
  • Schools Online
    A searchable collection of study units for both students and teachers. Areas include plant science, incubation and embryology, worm anatomy, natural resources and the environment, apples, aging, sports and nutrition, and social development.
  • (Science)
    Science NetLinks provides a wealth of resources for K-12 science educators, Science NetLinks is your guide to meaningful standards-based Internet experiences for students.
  • Search MarcoPolo
    The MarcoPolo Search Engine provides access to all of the educational resources created by the MarcoPolo Partners plus Partner reviewed materials Find Quality Internet Content for Your Classroom! The MarcoPolo Search Engine provides access to all of the educational resources created by the MarcoPolo Partners plus Partner reviewed materials.
  • Secondary Assessment tools
    On this site are many types of assessment tools for secondar teachers. Demonstrate mastery of content knowledge and process skills byknowing in advance the criteria for assessment.
  • SEED (Spreading Educator to Educator Developments)
    This web site contains resources and stories about HIgh-Quality Teaching and Learning with Technology (HQTLT) including 110 SEED "Packets," teacher-develeped units of study in all content areas and grade levels, available free for your use.
  • Smithsonian Institute-Museums Listings
    Smithsonian Institute-Museums Listings Portal to all of the Smithsonian Institute's Museums.
  • Teacher Professional Development
    WestEd projects support teachers___ career-long growth and development, beginning with preservice education and continuing with induction, inservice, and mentoring programs. Professional development efforts also address the learning needs of child-care professionals and professional developers themselves.Which programs are involved with Teacher Professional Development?Assessment and Standards Development Services (ASDS)Center for Child and Family Studies (CCFS)Center for Prevention and Early Intervention (CPEI)Learning InnovationsNational Center for Improving Science Education (NCISE)Policy ProgramProfessional and Organizational Learning (POL)Science and Mathematics ProgramTeacher Professional Development Program (TPD)Western Regional Educational Laboratory (WREL).
  • Teacher's Mind Resources
    Proposing a teacher-based approach to educational reform, the Teacher's MindResources site is built around a recently published study of education,entitled _Teaching in Mind: How Teacher Thinking Shapes Education_. Whilelargely promotional, the site offers a great deal of perspective into thecurrent analysis of reformist trends and initiatives to stand on its own asa valuable source of insight and inspiration to educators at every level.Philosophically, the site's author is convinced that popular efforts toapply "universal" educational standards are meaningless - if they fail totake into account what each teacher brings to the class as an individual.Thus, it focuses on the teacher's mind as a unique tool destined tointerpret every mandated standard differently and uniquely.
  • Teaching Critical Evaluation Skills for World Wide Web Resources
    Teaching Critical Evaluation Skills for World Wide Web Resources This site, created by two librarians at the Wolfgram Memorial Library of Widener University, provides a set of checklists to help users analyze the quality of the information at various websites. Types of pages include advocacy, business/marketing, informational, news, and personal web pages.
  • The ABC's of Web Site Evaluation by Kathy Schrock
    The author states this as the ABC's or beginning evaluation of web sites for teacher use in quality instruction.
  • The Center for the Study of Testing, Evaluation, and Educational Policy
    WHAT IS CSTEEP?The Center for the Study of Testing, Evaluation, and Educational Policy (CSTEEP) is an educational research organization located at Boston College in the School of Education. Since its inception in 1980, CSTEEP has conducted research on:*testing, evaluation, and public policy*studies to improve school assessment practices*and international comparative research.CSTEEP conducts its work on both small and large scales, working with individual schools, districts, states, as well as countries to advance educational testing practices and policy, and to improve the quality and fairness of education.
  • The Exploratorium's Digital Library
    Welcome to the Exploratorium’s Digital Library. The different collections in the library include digital media and digitized museum materials related to interactive exhibits and scientific phenomena, including images, educational activities in PDF and html formats, QuickTime movies, streaming media, and audio files.
  • The Jane Goodall Institute
    The Jane Goodall Institute advances the power of individuals to take informed and compassionate action to improve the environment for all living things. With Dr.
  • The Wise Guide
    This Wise Guide portal was designed to introduce you to the many fascinating, educational and useful resources available from the nation's library and one of the most popular Web sites of the federal government. The federal government and the Library of Congress, in particular, maintain and develop hundreds of Web sites.
  • The Museum of Afro American History Boston
    The Museum of Afro-American History is dedicated to preserving, conserving and accurately interpreting the contributions of African Americans in New England from the colonial period through the 19th century. This institution is "dedicated to preserving, conserving and accurately interpreting the contributions of African Americans during the colonial period in New England." The site features information about museum exhibits, the African Meeting House and Abiel Smith School, and the Black Heritage Trail (a "walking tour encompassing the largest collection of historic sites in the country relating to the life of a free African American community prior to the Civil War").
  • The NASA Why? Files
    The NASA Why? FilesThe NASA Why? Files is a U.S.distance learning initiative that integrates the use of a television broadcast, web site, and educator's guide. The project uses Problem-Based Learning to introduce students in grades 3-5 to NASA research and missions.
  • The Pantheon
    The Greek world of gods and goddesses is extremely intricate, and The Pantheon Web site provides an effective way to begin learning about this world, both for beginners and for those looking to brush up on their knowledge of their exploits and times.
  • The TEACH Toolkit
    An Online Resource for Understanding Copyright and Distance Education. The Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization Act (TEACH Act) "updates copyright law pertaining to transmissions of performances and displays of copyrighted materials.
  • The WebQuest Page
    A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented activity in which most or all of the information used by learners is drawn from the Web. WebQuests are designed to use learners' time well, to focus on using information rather than looking for it, and to support learners' thinking at the levels of analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
  • Urban Classroom Success Stories
    Urban Classroom Success Stories Featured in October Issue Of Enc Focus. In the fall issue of ENC Focus, teachers who work in urban classrooms sharetheir approaches to math and science instruction, and at the same time point out that their challenge is the same as their colleagues' in suburban and rural schools-to teach all children well.
  • Using Handheld Technologies in School
    This website has handheld technology, the basics , an overview of wireless networking, considerations when buying handhelds. The educational advantages of handhelds, educational concerns and much much more.
  • WebQuest Rubric Template and Rubric Collection
    WebQuest Rubric Template and Rubric Collection can be found at this site produced by Education Service Center Region 20 (San AntonioTX) and teachers in that region.The site features rubrics to evaluate student products created as a result of webquests. Some are based on the excellent rubric template found at the Rubric Collection web site, while the majority are based on the ingenuity and creativity of teachers.