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A task or exercise that students are asked to do-often as part of a lesson plan or other larger unit of instruction-to help them develop particular skills, knowledge, or habits of mind. Usually, the goals and outcomes are broad.

  • Between the Lions
    Tying in with the television program of the same name, this site offers interactive stories and games for children learning to read and write. Information for parents about the importance of reading to their children, using the local library, and ways to connect art and writing is also included.
  • A Guide to Evaluation Primers
    Organization: Association for the Study and Development of Community (ASDC) / Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Abstract: An orientation guide to handbooks and basic primers (introductory pieces) on program evaluation. Primers are directed toward the non-expert, explaining some of the central issues in evaluation and why they are important.
  • Assessing the Impact of Technology on Teaching and Learning: Student Perspectives
    Assessment of Instructional Technology Tools Organization: Middle Tennessee State University • Focus: evaluates the effectiveness of instructional technology by its impact on the depth and breadth of content covered, student performance, and good teaching practices that were widely acknowledged as catalysts for improved learning. • Method: Survey.
  • Chickscope
    Chickscope is a project to study chicken embryo development using a remotely-controlled magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) instrument. It is being developed by educators and researchers from several departments at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in collaboration with Illinois teachers.
  • Color�n Colorado. bilingual Web site ( Spanish)
    Color�n Colorado is a new bilingual Web site full of information, ideas and practical tips on how Spanish-speaking parents can help their children learn to read and succeed in school. The site features activities, advice and downloadable resources for teachers and librarians to reproduce and distribute to parents in their own communities.
  • Consumer Jungle
    Consumer Jungle features consumer education curriculum including printable classroom materials and interactive student activities (Credit Cave Activities include Find the Fees and the Credit Card Safari). Units include the Credit Cave, Surviving Solo (tips for living on your own), Esmarts (safe surfing on the web), Car-fari, and Jingle in the Jungle (the mysteries of phone, cell phones, and internet service).
  • DNA Interactive
    - This terrific site commemorates the fiftieth anniversary of the discovery of the structure of DNA. You'll find an interactive timeline, learn how the code was cracked, find out how the discovery of the structure of DNA changed the field of biology, and see a chilling section on eugenics.
  • Geometry in the Middle Grades
    Geometry Geometry in the Middle Grades In this lesson from Illuminations, students develop informal geometry and spatial thinking. They are given opportunities to create plans, build models, draw, sort, classify, and engage in geometric and mathematical creativity through problem solving.Informal geometry and spatial thinking are vital aspects of the mathematics curriculum for the middle grades.
  • Interactive Dig: Hierakonpolis
    During the past few years, Archaeology Magazine has seen fit to document a number of very worthwhile archaeological digs from across the globe. In recent years, the magazine has been out looking for shipwrecks off the Crimea Peninsula and searching for evidence of George Washington’s career as a whiskey distiller at Mount Vernon.
  • Kid's Cosmos
    Take a virtual field trip to Mars and learn about the geography of the fourth planet.
  • Martian Microbes?: Looking for Clues to Ancient Life on the Red Planet
    If there was life on Mars in the past, what would confirm that? How could ancient organisms have come into being? This page includes an activity that demonstrates how cell membranes might have formed, as well as links to Webcasts about the search for life on Mars, articles about the search for water, and more.
  • (Math)
    The Math Forum is a leading center for mathematics and mathematics education on the Internet. The Math Forum's mission is to provide resources, materials, activities, person-to-person interactions, and educational products and services that enrich and support teaching and learning in an increasingly technological world.
  • MEDtropolis' Virtual Body
    This dramatic site requires a Java-enabled browsers, and but it's well worth a look if your computer can support it. Virtual tours of the brain, heart, skeleton, and digestive tract will be particularly relevant for you and your students.
  • NASA Astrobiology Resources for Kids
    Could there be life elsewhere in the universe? Explore this fascinating question with online adventures, getting your questions answered online in the "Ask a Biologist" section, and more! This site is by the NASA Astrobiology Institute. Various plug-ins are required.
  • National Geographic Society Resources for Teachers On line
    On line adventures, maps and geography, lesson plans, teacher community. special features : Xpeditions Xpedition Hall, activities, standards and lesson plans National Geographic Kids Magazine
  • Neuroscience for Kids (Science)
    Neuroscience for Kids was started in 1996 by Eric H. Chudler, Ph.D.
  • NGS Classroom Ancient Arcade
    Boost your knowledge of mythological figures with this game of gods and symbols. From the National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
  • Seeing Space in a Whole New Light
    This is an interactive site which is a tool for understanding space exploration and the various ways in which people train for being in space. You get to meet astronauts, expore the galaxy, This site can be used for independent study or as a beginning learning project on space science education.
  • Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage [RealPlayer, pdf]
    Widely considered one of the most important centers of its kind, the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage is dedicated to "promoting the understanding and continuity of diverse, contemporary grassroots cultures in the United States and around the world". The Center is responsible for producing the annual Smithsonian Folklife Festival, coordinating the Folkways Recordings, and conducting ethnographic and cultural heritage policy-oriented research.
  • Spacewander Round Trip
    This is a 12 minute tour of the universe from the Planetary society. It is interesting and their are rich resources at the end of the ride.
  • The Transistor
    Target Audience Grades - 6-8 9-12 Lucent Technologies is the offspring of Bell Labs where the transistor was invented fifty years ago. This site provides pages containing information on the history of the transistor, uses of the transistor, the inventors, current information about these devices, what is a transistor, and an FAQ file.
  • University of Minnesota: Monarch Lab-Monarchs in the Classroom
    The Monarch Lab website was developed by educators and scientists at the University of Minnesota to present information about monarch butterfly biology and research and to provide students, scientists, and teachers with an interactive forum for discussing monarchs. The site includes informative sections that introduce a variety of monarch research topics such as Growth & Development, Monarch Migration, Natural Enemies, Reproductive Biology, and more.
  • Whyville
    ice A group of educators, scientists, artists and Internet experts have recently brought up a Web-based science education site intended to support both home and classroom-based learning by scientific inquiry. The site,, was established to support a weekly science education article in the Los Angeles Times (see site for details).
  • Illuminating the Renaissance
    Featuring more than 130 works of art, this exhibition focuses on the finest and most ambitiously illuminated books produced in Flanders (parts of present day Belgium and France) between 1470 and 1560. - This site presents an interactive view of an epoch in Flemish illumination when some of the most stunning works of art of the Renaissance could be found within the pages of books.
    A searchable "news information resource helping you find the news on the topics of today's world." There is a categorized directory of links to news sites, including mainstream sources, newspapers, world and local news, business and finance, political, weather and science, health, and major stock exchanges.
  • Virtually Lost
    Well, then you've found the right place. This website visually explores being lost in hope of finding what we're all searching for.
  • MoneyopolisSM
    is an advanced technology Web site designed to assist in the teaching of sixth through eighth grade math skills. The math skills practiced in MoneyopolisSM are based on standards and objectives published by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and the standards of learning as defined in several states.
  • Financial Literacy Month
    Learn the basics about getting the most out of your money -- saving, investing, banking, and buying a home. Try an online retirement calculator.
  • Smithsonian Education
    Smithsonian Education [pdf. Macromedia Flash Reader, RealOne Player] The diverse buildings that front directly onto the Mall in Washington, D.C.
  • A Brush with Wildlife
    How do you use balance, contrast, movement, and proportion to compose a powerful work of art? This marvelous website is both a tutorial with animated examples and an interactive tool. You can select a background, select subjects, position and resize them within your composition, create a final draft; then submit it for Critique.
  • Africa to Atlantic: Dust to Dust
    Article about sand and dust storms in which "the planet's deserts kick up literally millions of tons of dust, and winds send it flying to far-flung destinations where it clogs our lungs, changes soil chemistry, deposits minerals in bodies of water," and cause other environmental damage. Includes a link to images of recent storms, such as the storm in Iraq in August 2005, and links to related sites.
    Math Links to games, tutorials, lesson plans worksheets etc. Math games, flash cards, a math glossary, metric conversion tools, and biographies of notable math-related people are presented in a useful, interactive format designed primarily for children.
  • Archimedes' Laboratory
    Inspired by the work methods of scientist Archimedes, this online companion to the print magazine of the same name provides a virtual lab of geometric puzzles to make and solve, games, mazes, and optical illusions. Appropriate for children and adults.
  • ArtsEdge
    Developed as a cooperative agreement between the National Endowment for the Arts, the United States Department of Education, and the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, ArtsEdge offers standards-based teaching materials, activities, and resources.
  • Biology Project
    Designed for high school and college biology students, this site has problem sets and tutorials in Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Chemicals and Human Health, Developmental Biology, Human Biology, Immunology, Mendelian Genetics, and Molecular Biology. Some modules are available in Spanish.
  • Capturing Time: The New York Times Capsule
    "Capturing Time .. was an exhibition [in 1999-2000] at the American Museum of Natural History that explored different concepts of time and the history of time capsules.
  • Cool Cosmos
    This site pulls together various materials for children and adults on the discovery and application of infrared technology. It includes information about infrared astronomy, multiwavelength astronomy, and the discovery of ultraviolet (UV) light.
  • Cool Cosmos
    This site pulls together various materials for children and adults on the discovery and application of infrared technology. It includes information about infrared astronomy, multiwavelength astronomy, and the discovery of ultraviolet (UV) light.
  • Cyberethics for Kids
    - It's important to be a good citizen wherever you may find yourself, by following the rules of that place. The Internet is a "place" with its own very special rules.
  • Digital Library for Earth System Education
    Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE) DLESE is a "geoscience community resource that supports teaching and learning about the Earth system." It is "being built by a community of educators, students, and scientists to support Earth system education at all levels and in both formal and informal settings." Resources include links to "lesson plans, scientific data, visualizations, interactive computer models, and virtual field trips," plus materials for educators. Searchable.
  • Essential Microsoft Office 2000:Tutorials for Teachers: Word
    Essential Microsoft Office 2000 tutorials from the University of Pittsburgh's Bernie Poole and Rebecca L. Randall.
  • Exploratoirum, Journey to Mars
    Spirit and Opportunity, the twin Mars Exploration Rovers, are speeding toward their January rendezvous with the red planet. For the latest information about their progress, and to see what should be the greatest images of Mars ever taken, the Exploratorium is the place to be.
  • Farm Safety 4 Just Kids
    This site has games, quizzes, and other activities designed to teach about safety in a rural environment. The Program Services section has teaching tips and fact sheets on a wide variety of farm safety concerns associated with harvest, equipment, cold weather, livestock, electricity, fire, manure storage, and other possible hazards.
  • GoMath
    This site "is a free on-line mathematics tutor designed to assist students from K-12, and their parents. ..
  • ICON: Innovation Curriculum Online Network
    A "digital library of information dealing with K-12 technological literacy." Resources include "lessons, activities, electronic files, technology references, articles, and professional organizations." Registration (free) required to access some materials and services. Searchable by grade level, resource type, technical requirements, and other factors.
  • Mega-Mathematics
    This is Mega-Mathematics! is filled with elementary school lesson plans that teach unusual concepts in higher math: knot theory, map coloring, infinity, formal logic, etc. Each lesson includes background information, vocabulary, lesson, and evaluation activities.
  • Technology and Telecommunications for Teachers: Database Tutorial
    This tutorial was created by the Advanced Technology Research Branch of the Hawaii Department of Education to provide supplemental productivity tool information to teachers enrolled in the Technology Telecommunication for Teachers (T3) Program.
  • The Artist's Toolkit: Visual elements and principles
    The Artist's Toolkit: Visual elements and principlesMinneapolis Institute of Arts & Walker Art CenterArtists use visual elements and principles like line, color and shape as tools to build works of art. Learn about these concepts with animated movies, create-a-composition activites, videos of professional artists in action, and an in-depth encyclopedia.
  • The Astronomy Cafe
    An educational and professional resource in astronomy, calling itself "The web site for the astronomically disadvantaged." Includes descriptive articles, links, FAQs, an "Ask the Astronomer" archive of commonly asked astronomy questions, and more. Maintained by a research astronomer.
  • The Miracle of Fall
    A directory of links to information about fall foliage and related topics. Includes links to sites about fall color, trees, fall foliage updates and reports, driving and hiking suggestions, photos, lesson plans, activities, autumn gardening and composting, and more.
  • "21st Century Explorer"
    answers questions that include: Why do we want to travel to Mars? How would your body change in space? Where would a space explorer find water and oxygen? How can we travel faster in space? Student actors (on video) and hands-on activities are featured with each answer. The site is for Grades 3-5 and available in Spanish.
  • "Calendars Through the Ages"
    looks at the astronomical basis of calendars, the history of our calendar, and when various countries moved from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar. Learn about Leap Year, the solar cycle, equinoxes and solstices.
  • "Moldenhauer Archives"
    presents 130 music manuscripts, letters, and materials from a 3,500-item collection documenting the history of Western music from the medieval period through the modern era. Essays by musicologists discuss items from Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Chopin, Handel, Liszt, Mozart, Schoenberg, Stravinsky, and other composers.
  • "Physics to Go"
    is a collection of reviewed resources for teaching and learning about astronomy, electricity and magnetism, fluids, light, modern physics, motion and energy, quantum physics, and waves and pendula. (NSF) .
  • "Teach the Earth"
    "Teach the Earth" offers hundreds of teaching activities, visualizations, and resources for teaching earth science. Categories include biosphere, climate change, energy/material cycles, geology and human health, geochemistry, hydrosphere and cryosphere, mineralogy, ocean systems, petrology, solar system, and earth history.
  • 4 Minutes About Podcasting
    Podcasting is a kind of homespun Internet "folk radio." Podcasts can be listened to on computers and MP3 players (including the iPod). "Four Minutes about Podcasting is a short film that tells you why podcasting can make your life better, and shows you everything you need to know to set up a simple program to have new podcasts downloaded automatically." By writer and blogger Lisa Williams.
  • 4-H Virtual Farm
    Target Audience Grades three to 12 clustered in these groupings. Grades - 3-5 6-8 9-12 Review The 4-H Virtual Farm website gives an excellent insight into potential vocational directions in agriculture.
  • A Lifetime of Color
    This is an extraordinary art education site that includes hands-on activities and techniques; galleries of student and professional work; information about art elements, principles, concepts, media, styles, and artists; an interactive art timeline and glossary; online games; teacher resources; and lesson plans for grades K-8.This is a good place to learn some basic techniques. Site is sponsored by Sanford, a manufacturer of art supplies.Subjects: Art -- Study and teaching, Lesson planning, Teaching Aids and devices.
  • A Project on Youth Gangs
    This WebQuest is for 11th and 12th grade students. It is designed to help students recognize the danger gangs pose to themselves and their school communities.
  • A Tapestry of Time and Terrain Through computer processing and enhancement, we have brought together two existing images of the Nation's lower 48 states into a single digital tapestry. Woven into the fabric of this new map are data from previous U.S.
  • A Visual Sourcebook of Chinese Civilization
    "The goal of this 'visual sourcebook' is to add to the material teachers can use to help their students understand Chinese history, culture, and society." Features a timeline with links to information and images, and essays on topics such as ancient tombs, Buddhism, clothing, and gardens. Includes maps, discussion questions, and bibliographies.
  • Active Learning with Technology
    The first 6 modules of the Active Learning with Technology professional development portfolio set the stage for understanding how constructivist learning environments are created and implemented. The modules demonstrate learner-centered instructional and classroom management settings such as inquiry-based learning, project-based learning, small group learning, and using commonly available software to support a learner-centered environment.
  • Adbusters' Culture Jammers Headquarters
    Adbusters is a group of very talented media professionals who want us to challenge what we see and subsequently think. Exploring this website is a good introduction to what makes the web valuable: users can look beyond mass media's filters.
  • Afrigeneas
    A site with specialized resources, links, and message goards dedicated to the particular challenges of researching African-American ancestors.
  • Amazing Space
    has an excellent series of inquiry-based activities on their web site entitled Amazing Space;
  • America's Story (Library of Congress)
    America's Story from "America's Library" wants you to have fun with history while learning. Using a story-like format, you will be taken back in time and shown things you never heard or saw before.
  • Amusement Park Physics
    (ENC Digital Dozen Award) Visit this site to discover the forces behind the fun. Users learn about the laws of physics through such activities as building their own rollercoasters and predicting the outcome of bumper-car collisions.
  • An African American One Room School
    Pierre Samuel du Pont and Delaware's African-American Schools The early 20th century in America, a period characterized by nationwide social reform, is often referred to as the Progressive Era. During this period, more and more people recognized that education was the best guarantee of economic success for young people.
  • An Overview of Reading Comprehension Instruction, Past and Present
    This PowerPoint presentation on comprehension instruction is one of a series of presentations and workshops for teachers produced by Literacy Leaders as part of NREA coursework (Note: these workshops are copyrighted by NREA and the authors. You are welcome to use/adapt them to your school under two conditions: a) that you give credit to the author, and b) that you return a copy of improved/adapted versions of the workshop to the NREA in care of Joan Taylor ([email protected]).
  • Anacostia Museum and Center for African American History and Culture
    The Anacostia Museum is a community based and constituency focused museum that increases public awareness of the Black experience through research, programs and exhibitions.
  • Ancient China (British Museum) The site is divided into five 'chapters' which address themes or topics relevant to ancient China. Within each 'chapter' there are three sections: Story (narratives), Explore (pupil controls the order in which they access the information) and Challenge (historical, analytical, mathematical, or observational activities).
  • Ancient Egypt -- The British Museum
    Let's hear it for the British Museum. Their staff has created a website dealing with many areas of study of Ancient Egypt.
    According to the site creator, Lawrence K. Lo, "The aim of Ancient Scripts is not to replace texts books or instructional web sites.
  • Animal Diversity Web
    Animal Diversity Web (Scientific American Sci/Tech award) This well-organized site does what's nearly impossible: offers an easy-to-understand explanation of biological names and how they relate to evolution. And there's more here than just family trees.
  • AOL@School Foe teachers this web site furnishes professional development, lesson plans, special needs and counseling, subjects and standards, education news, research and references, and classroom tips. For the school this web site furnishes Free AOL E-Mail Free e-mail, instant messaging and chat Exclusive Content from Your State Easy access to state curriculum standards, news and education initiatives Free Built-In Internet Filters Students connect only to age-appropriate content -- CIPA compliant .
  • Applying Big6 Skills, Information Literacy Standards and ISTE Nets to Internet Research
    Applying Big6 Skills, Information Literacy Standardsand ISTE NETS to Internet Research. Correlate Mike Eisenberg's and Bob Berkowitz' Big6 Skills with the national Information Literacy Standards developed by the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) and Association for Educational and Communications Technology (AECT) and the National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS) to organize an introduction to research on the Internet.
  • Archimedes
    This site is a collection of Archimedean miscellanea under continual development. Grade(s): 9 - 12 Synopsis: Get to know the father of integral calculus at this site chock full of everything you ever wanted to know, or didn't know you wanted to know, about Archimedes.
  • Art Interactive
    Making art is about creating something that represents an idea or vision that is all your own. It involves making choices about materials, shapes, composition, color, texture, and even scale.
  • Art of the Rain Forest Program
    Art and biology of the Costa Rican rain forest, in English and Spanish Art, Science, History, and Culture of the Rainforest with simulations to use from a base of knowledge which is on the site.
  • Art Tales: Telling Stories with Wildlife Art
    Art Tales: Telling Stories with Wildlife Art. National Museum of Wildlife Art Awarded "Best of the Web: Educational Site" at Museums & the Web 2001! Explore art at this museum in ways you never could before! Tell a story, illustrate it with wildlife, put it to music, and publish it on the Web! (Third grade to adult).
  • Artopia
    A website for middle school students about the visual and performing arts. "Students can closely examine important works of art and take part in activities that teach about styles, principles and processes of each art form." Topics include dance, theater, media arts, music, painting, and sculpture.
  • Arts Edge Lesson Plan, the Poetics of Hip Hop
    High school classroom materials focusing on the analysis of hip hop lyrics to "provide students with a greater understanding of rhythm, form, diction, and sound in poetry." Includes activities, readings, and links to related lesson plans and websites. From the National Arts and Education Network (ArtsEdge), a program of the John F.
  • ArtsConnectEd
    Extensive resources for teaching fine arts, including interactives There is an art gallery, an art database,playground, professional development package for teachers downloadable, pdf. and library of lesson plans and archives.
  • Ask Dr. Math
    Ask Dr. Math is a question and answer service for math students and their teachers.
  • Astro-venture
    Synopsis: No, this is not a new minivan--but it is a super galactic learning adventure in which young visitors learn about what makes the planet Earth habitable for humans. Students explore careers of NASA scientists as they create their own life-supporting planets.
  • Astronomy and Space Classroom Resources
    provides lessons and web resources from the National Science Digital Library. Learn about amateur telescope making, black holes, UFOs, astronomy research, myths and misconceptions about astronomy, space weather, the Hubble Space Telescope, and the structure and evolution of the universe.
  • Athens 2004 Olympics
    Feature articles and activities related to the 2004 summer Olympic Games in Athens, Greece. Covers Olympics history, athletes, and specific sports.
  • Backyard Jungle
    (Big Top Web Site) You don�t have to travel any further than your own backyard�and your computer�to take a look at the science that�s just out the back door. This kid-friendly online community allows users to create maps of their natural surroundings (both real and imaginary) and chart the flora and fauna they see.
  • Balanced Assessment
    Balanced Assessment offers over 300 mathematics assessment tasks for grades K-12. Topics and activities include averages, addition, area, batting orders, bicycle rides, chance of rain, chance of survival, cheetah's lunch, classroom groups, cost of living, dart boards, detective stories, Fermi estimates, genetic codes, gestation and longevity, graphing, gravity, intersections, logarithms, oil consumption, rectangles, rising prices, squares and circles, stock market, triangles, volume, and more.
  • Balanced Assessment
    From 1993 to 2003, the Balanced Assessment in Mathematics Program existed at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. The project group developed a large collection of innovative mathematics assessment tasks for grades K to 12, and trained teachers to use these assessments in their classrooms.
  • Balanced Assessments
      Balanced Assessment offers over 300 mathematics assessment tasks for grades K-12. Topics and activities include averages, addition, area, batting orders, bicycle rides, chance of rain, chance of survival, cheetah's lunch, classroom groups, cost of living, dart boards, detective stories, Fermi estimates, genetic codes, gestation and longevity, graphing, gravity, intersections, logarithms, oil consumption, rectangles, rising prices, squares and circles, stock market, triangles, volume, and more.
  • Basic Internet Searching Seminar
    Basic 3-step tutorial with practice exercises This online tutorial is primarily set up to be used in a live, hands-on instructional setting. It is also made available here as an example of hands-on instructional techniques and for those who would like to try it on their own.
  • Benjamin Franklin , in his Own Words
    "Benjamin Franklin: In His Own Words" shows the breadth of Franklin's accomplishments through key letters, broadsides, and other documents. This exhibit, marking the tercentenary of Franklin's birth (1706), focuses on his achievements as a politician and statesman, as well as a printer and writer, an inventor and scientist.
  • Bet the Farm
    Synopsis: Developed by the Center of Science and Industry (COSI) in Columbus, Ohio, this interactive, online game tests users' agricultural knowledge and skills. Players assume the role of a farmer and make a series of choices on what products to raise, how to manage product growth, and how to market the harvest in an effort to keep the farm profitable at the end of the year.
  • Biocomplexity Biocomplexity Project is an initiative of the BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium to develop strategies for integrating biocomplexity and its multidisciplinary approaches to problem solving in undergraduate education. Key goals of this project are to: 1.
  • Biology in Motion
    Having trouble finding illustrations, diagrams, and interactive activities to supplement biology lectures for your students? Want to provide a visual representation of the passage of blood through the human cardiovascular system--or have your students conduct an online experiment in cell division? "Biology in Motion" offers these and many other features. Based on the premise that the web provides an ideal vehicle for teaching biology, developers have assembled a collection of learning activities, animations, and cartoons designed to help explain difficult, but widely taught, biological concepts.
  • Biology Workbench
    The Biology Workbench is widely recognized as a significant bioinformatics resource that provides a suite of interactive tools which draw on a host of biology databases and allows people to compare molecular sequences using high performance computing facilities, visualize and manipulate molecular structures, and generate phylogenetic hypotheses. The Biology Student Workbench brings the advanced computational infrastructure used by today\'s scientists to any student desktop machine with a web browser to provide a rich environment for student inquiry.
  • Biology Workbench
    Biology Workbench Education Enhancement is a collection of tutorials, project links and a discussion group related to the use of the Biology Workbench protein and nucleic acid sequence multi-database research tool developed by the National Computational Science Alliance and hosted at the San Diego Supercomputer Center at the University of California at San Diego. This project invites educators to collaborate and contribute to the development and collection of tutorial.
  • Biomedical Explorations
    Stimulationg understanding of computational science through collaboration, experiment, exploration and discovery.
  • Blogbib: An Annotated Bibliography on Weblogs and Blogging,
    Blogbib: An Annotated Bibliography on Weblogs and Blogging, With a Focus on Library/Librarian Blogs "This annotated bibliography includes definitions, articles about blogging and about library blogs, books, studies, links to samples of the myriad library blogs, tools for creating and using blogs, and links to presentations on blogging. ..
  • Blogs in Education
    Created by the Instructional Technology Center at the University of Houston at Clear Lake, this site is designed to provide you some resources if you want to get started using blogs for yourself or with your students. "Options for instructors using blogs: Content-related blog as professional practice, Networking and personal knowledge sharing, Instructional tips for students, Course announcements and readings, Annotated links Knowledge management.
  • Bluetooth
    Bluetooth: FAQ & Knowledge Base view detail comment email this Questions and answers about this wireless connection system for personal computers and other related handheld devices, which was named after a Viking and king of Denmark. Topics addressed include situations in which Bluetooth may be used and wireless technology issues.
  • Boopadoo: Music resources for educators and families of young children
    Music resources for young children. Contains activities, free mp3 and music software downloads, free printables, free sheet music, reviews, search engine, articles, awards, and more.
  • Bridge to Classroom Understanding of Earthquakes
    Designing and building a bridge to withstand earthquakes is no easy challenge. Explore the science, technology and people involved in the bridge with these interactive learning modules and simulations! Features: Lesson ideas Online interactivity Graphics/Multimedia.
  • Build a Prairie Game
    The prairie is one of North America's great ecosystems and a vital habitat for many plants and animals. Over 98% of the prairie has been lost in the past 150 years�but some people are trying to bring it back, hectare by hectare.
  • Building Effective Teacher Teams
    Middle grades teacher Bill Ferriter loves the group of teachers he's worked with to develop a high-functioning professional learning team. "Over the past year, we have worked hard together in a school founded on the principles of a learning community...(b)ut we've stumbled over the past month.
  • Grade(s): 11 - 12 Teaching Calculus? This is a site for you. A site that has a recording of the Quadratic Formula Song is obviously full of creative ideas for helping students learn calculus.
  • Calendars Through the Ages
    (New Scientist Weblinks selection) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday�it wasn't always like this. Learn how our current Gregorian calendar developed, and about calendars of other cultures, on this interesting Web site.
  • Center for Digital Storytelling
    The Center for Digital Storytelling is a California-based non-profit arts organization rooted in the art of personal storytelling. We assist young people and adults in using the tools of digital media to craft, record, share, and value the stories of individuals and communities, in ways that improve all our lives.
  • Center for History and New Media
    Center for History and New Media (CHNM) - This great site combines "the most exciting and innovative digital media with the latest and best historical scholarship." From George Mason University. Various plug-ins are required.
  • Center for Media Literacy
    All about teaching media literacy The components of inquiry-based media literacy using the Five Core Concepts and CML's Five Key Questions of Media Literacy.    I.
  • Centuries of Citizenship, A Constitutional Timeline
    is an interactive timeline of events marking more than 200 years of our constitutional history. These events tell the evolving story of our Constitution & the role it continues to play in our lives.
  • Cezanne In Provence
    marks the centenary of the death of Paul Cezanne (1839-1906), a founding father of modern art. He created some of the most powerful and innovative paintings of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
  • Chemistry of How Things Work
    Chemistry of How Things Work and Decisions - Good and Bad - that Bring Chemistry into Our Life Twelve case studies of chemistry in the products we use and the situations we meet. helps you evaluate the decisions behind these products and situations.
  • CHemviz
    ChemVizThe Chemistry Visualization program at NCSA (ChemViz) is a program which uses the power of the World Wide Web in combination with the power of the SGI supercomputer to generate images of atoms, molecules, and atomic orbitals. The user inputs a set of parameters as they are prompted and submits these parameters to the supercomputer.
  • Children's Butterfly Site
    This site is an good companion site for a unit on butterflies. It contains a photo gallery of butterflies from around the world and coloring pages describing the life cycle of butterflies in several languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Dutch).
  • CIESE Online Classroom Resources
    The New Jersey Networking Infrastructure in Education Resource page lists some of the finest projects and lesson ideas created for K-12 science education. To participate in science projects that can only be done using Internet resources, take a look at "The Gulf Stream: A Global Investigation" or , "The Morgan Tutorial," which investigates the field of genetics.
  • Civil War and Reconstruction
    provides documents and images for learning about "fugitive from labor" cases and black soldiers in the Civil War. The site includes Civil War photos by Mathew Brady and letters, telegrams, and photos illustrating factors that affected the Civil War.
  • Colonial House (PBS)
    Indentured servitude. No baths or showers.
  • Columbia Education Center
    Columbia Education Center Internet-based lessons posted at this Portland, Oregon teachers' resource center.
  • Computational Chemistry
    Stimulating understanding of computational chemistry through collaboration, experiment, exploration and discovery.
  • Computer Based Presentations
    Provides tips for doing computer-based presentations using an LCD panel or data projector. Sections on: using your computer; the presentation equipment, general guidelines and guidelines for the presenter.
  • Computer Literacy Course Tutorial
    Computer Literacy Course TutorialHalifax Regional CAP Association 2001This is a course, on line, and also on a cd that takes teachers through the basics of the Internet.These materials have been developed by the Standardised Materials Training Team of the Halifax Regional CAP Association.
  • Conservation Central
    About Conservation Central Conservation Central is a habitat education program, presented by Fujifilm, our Partner in Conservation Education. This program explores the temperate forest, home of the giant panda and black bear, through the online activities such as Design a Panda Habitat Try your hand at designing a new giant panda habitat for Mei Xiang and Tian Tian.
  • Coping with a National Tragedy
    Includes coping with terrorism, promoting tolerance, recognizing severe trauma reaction, managing anger and other strong emotions, preventing suicide, school memorials, children and war, and helping children with special needs cope.
  • Count Us In
    Count Us In (ENC Digital Dozen Award) The games on this Web site are geared to younger children, with fancifully-illustrated exercises to help them grasp basic number concepts. Addition, subtraction, and number recognition are conveyed through cartoons of everyday activities such as bowling, boarding a bus, and visiting the beach.
  • Create a Graph
    Create a Graph helps students create their own graphs and charts. This online tool can be used to make 4 kinds of charts and graphs: bar graphs, line graphs, area graphs, and pie charts.
  • Critical Evaluation of a Web Page -- Lesson Plan
    Grades 6-8...from the master, Kathy Schrock Technology Research Tools * Students use technology to locate, evaluate and collect information from a variety of sources. * Research and evaluate the accuracy, relevance, appropriateness, comprehensiveness, and bias of electronic information sources concerning real world problems.
  • Cybersoace Explorer :Getting to Know Christopher Columbus( 3-5)
    ReadWriteThink, International Reading Association and the National Council of Teachers of English Students complete a cyber scavenger hunt and then use their notes to prepare a timeline and summary report about the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus (1451-1506). Through activities that promote critical literacy, students are exposed to alternate points of view regarding Columbus and his legacy.
  • Design Your Own Robot
    Design Your Own Robot from Museum of Science, Boston Robots have long been part of the popular imagination. Most people have some vague ideas about robots from having read about them in science fiction stories or seeing them in movies, on television, and elsewhere.
  • Developing WWW Research Lessons
    This site helps teachers to develop and post a WWW integrated lesson, that creates opportunities for students to solve problems and create new answers, and gives teachers ways to use the WWW as a tool in their classrooms.
  • Digital Information Fluency Project
    Digital Information Fluency (DIF) is the ability to find, evaluate and use digital information effectively, efficiently and ethically. DIF involves knowing how digital information is different from print information; having the skills to use specialized tools for finding digital information; and developing the dispositions needed in the digital information environment.
  • Digital Library for Earth System Education
    presents thousands of reviewed resources on atmospheric science, biology, chemistry, climatology, cryology, ecology, environmental science, forestry, geography, geology, mineralogy & petrology, hydrology, mathematics, natural hazards, ocean sciences, physics, soil science, space science, & more. (NSF) .
  • Digitales The art of telling digital stories
    Digital Storytelling takes the ancient art of oral storytelling and engages a palette of technical tools to weave personal tales using images, graphics, music and sound mixed together with the author's own story voice. Digital storytelling is an emerging art form of personal, heartful expression that enables individuals and communities to reclaim their personal cultures while exploring their artistic creativity.
  • Dinosaurs
    Helps students answer questions about dinosaurs dinosaur "a dinosaur"? Where did they live? What caused their mass extinction? Students can participate in a virtual dinosaur discovery, follow milestones in dinosaur evolution, & see behind-the-scenes slideshows of the lab environment where vertebrate specimens are prepared for exhibits & research. (NMNH,SI) .
  • Discover Our Earth
    Welcome to the Teacher's Guide to Cornell University's Discover Our Earth pages. The Discover Our Earth project provides a variety of resources designed to help you and your students explore Earth processes by accessing primary Earth science data.
  • Dream Anatomy Learning Station
    Learning Station Explore Dream Anatomy Learning Station, a companion educational web site for the Dream Anatomy exhibition created by and displayed at the National Library of Medicine (NLM) in Bethesda, Maryland. Dream Anatomy presents a rich collection of images and artifacts reflecting "anatomical imagination in some of its most astonishing incarnations, from 1500 to the present." Using the fascinating stories and images of the exhibition, the Learning Station provides lesson plans and activities designed especially for educators and students at 6-12 grade levels.
  • e-Mission: Operation Montserrat
    e-Mission: Operation Montserrat is based on a real historical event. The volcano on the normally tranquil island of Montserrat has come to life.
  • Earth Observatory
    If you love earth science, or just thinking about the systems of the earth, this is the ultimate web site. This website uses maps, views from satellites and a lot of information that is databased or aggregated to explain, explore, and show data about the earth in scientific ways.
  • EarthCam
    Started in 1996, the EarthCam company was one of the first corporations to begin delivering services designed to assist those persons seeking to set up the necessary infrastructure to send live images across the globe. This free site is a helpful way to take a peek at literally thousands of places (including some rather unusual ones) around the world.
  • Earthquake Activity World Map
    Click on a point to go to a particular region on the world map. There you can click again to find more detailed information on recent earthquakes.
  • Educational Resources on Asia
    Educational Resources on AsiaThis site provides resources and links to educational material relating to Asia. These include reference works, online periodicals, educational films and suppliers, K-12 curriculum materials and vendors, full-text of significant historical documents (primarily constitutional), as well as demographic, economic, educational, and political statistics.
  • EGroups
    Have you ever wanted to set up an e-mailing list or online discussion group, but didn't know how? eGroups is just the ticket: a free, easy to use discussion tool that will help you set up and manage group communication. eGroups automatically archives list messages, allows users to set their own preferences, and even allows you to build a group calendar that can automatically send reminders to the group for events on the calendar.
  • Emotional Intelligence At a Glance
    Episodes of school violence have focused attention on "quick fix" solutions, but the answer doesn't lie in equipping schools with metal detectors. We must help students develop the skills to manage their emotions, resolve conflict nonviolently, and respect differences.
  • Enchanted Learning
    Enchanted Learning is targeted at K-3 learners and produces children's educational websites and games which are designed to capture thier imagination while maximizing creativity, learning, and enjoyment. Their mission is to produce the best educational material, emphasizing creativity and the pure enjoyment of learning.
  • Environmental Science
    Stimulating understanding of computational science through collaboration, experiment, exploration, and discovery.
  • Evaluating Web Pages, a Webquest
    The information source your students use most frequently is likely to be the Web. They will have little trouble actually gathering information these days.
  • Experiencing War (Voices of War): Stories from the Veterans
    This is a preview of the Web site which accompanies the second book of stories from the collections of the Veterans History Project. Forever a Soldier: Unforgettable Stories of Wartime Service contains 37 tales of servicemen and women who served our country in every major war from World War I through the current conflict in Iraq.
  • Exploratorium: Origins
    Explore the extraordinary places, people, tools and ideas behind the search for the origins of matter, the universe, and life itself. We�ve all stood outside at night and admired the stars, wondering how they were created and whether there might be life somewhere among them Looking at the sky, you might wonder how life arose and evolved, and how the smallest pieces of matter come together to make up all that we see in the vast universe.
  • Exploring Other Number Patterns ( 3-5)
    Illuminations, The National Council of Teachers of MathematicsStudents analyze numeric patterns, including the Fibonacci series of numbers, so named for the Italian mathematician (1175-1240) who discovered their sequence. They also describe numeric patterns and then record them in table form.
  • Exploring the Environment
    Exploring the Environment (ETE) online series, which features an integrated approach to environmental earth science through modules and activities, is developed at the NASA Classroom of the Future; at Wheeling Jesuit University. Through a cooperative agreement with the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, the ETE online series is supported by NASA's Information Infrastructure Technology and Applications (IITA) Program, which facilitates public use of Earth and Space Science remote sensing databases over the Internet.
  • Exploring the Planets Cyber-Center
    Cyber-Center lets students compare their own planetary research with that of scientists. Fascinating photos are shared and the students can read the researchers notes.
  • Eyes on the Sky, Feet on the Ground
    Welcome to a collection of children's online astronomy activities. In the following six chapters are hundreds of fun explorations into astronomy as a classroom tool for learning how to theorize, experiment, and analyze data.
  • Fautline
    You can build your own shake table to test the stability of structures.
  • FiftyCrows TV/News Media
    - This organization supports and promotes Social Change Photography because they believe that "Images inspire people to act." Once you see the photo and video essays on this site your view of world events will never be the same. You will be inspired to make the world a more just place.
  • Folkstreams(video streaming website) documentaries
    Folkstreams presents the best of American Folklore films. Our site's mission is the wide, free online distribution of video streams of difficult to find independent films and videos depicting American folk, traditional, regional and vernacular culture.
  • Four Nets for Better Searching
    Four NETS for Better Searching The perfect page is out there somewhere. It's the page that has exactly the information you're looking for and to you it's beautiful and unattainable like a faraway star.
    FunBrain has over 50 educational games that children will love to play. Games include a variety in each subject area: math, language arts, science, history, other.
  • Genetics Basics
    looks at how genes work, exceptions to Mendel's rules, how DNA gets replicated, genes and disease, current research and recent discoveries, and how applications of genetic research (biotechnology) are being used in agriculture, health, and medicine to change our world for the better. (NIH) .
  • Geography Action
    Geography Action! is an annual conservation and awareness program designed to educate and excite people about natural, cultural, and historic treasures. Each year, they will present a different topic related to conservation and the environment.
  • Google Page Creator
    A shorter URL for the above link: Create your own web pages, quickly and easily. Google Page Creator is a free online tool that makes it easy for anyone to create and publish useful, attractive web pages in just minutes.
  • Great Globe Gallery
    The Great Globe Gallery on the World Wide Web Print out maps and globes, satellite views, topo maps, historical maps and more. Unusual maps like solstice geography, astronomy, El nino maps and ocean current maps.
  • Handhelds Go to Class - New short film and story!
    In one of the largest school implementations to date, District 230 in the Chicago suburb of Orland Park equipped its three high schools with 2,200 handheld computers in the fall of 2000. Interested teachers were given classroom sets or students could buy or lease the handheld computers.
  • Harnessing the Power of the Web
    This guide will help you to understand collaborative, project-based learning on the Internet. We use the term NetPBL (Networked, Project-Based Learning) to describe this kind of learning.These resources will help you introduce your students to powerful educational experiences grounded in student-centered, project-based learning well-supported in the literature.
  • High School Hub
    The High School Hub is a noncommercial learning portal to high-quality free online educational resources for high school students. It features interactive learning games, puzzles, and quizzes.
  • History Detectives
    History Detectives is devoted to solving historical mysteries, searching out the true facts (and falsehoods) behind local folklore, family legends and interesting objects. History Detectives is devoted to solving historical mysteries, searching out the true facts (and falsehoods) behind local folklore, family legends and interesting objects.
  • How Does Project-Based Learning Work?
    "We've got to know the curriculum. We've got to know the standards inside and out.
  • Howtoons
    Howtoons "Howtoons are one-page cartoons showing 5-to-15 year-old kids 'How To' build things." Choose the comic of choice to find a graphical way to build such things as a marshmallow shooter, an ice board, and a duct tape body double. The site creators (MIT graduates) hope that these "Tools of Mass Construction" promote a brighter more creative future for children.
    National Museum of Science and Technology - Via S. Vittore 21 - 20123 Milano - Italy Tel.
  • Hubble Heritage Project
    The Hubble Heritage Project This site makes the most of what Hubble has to offer, with a gallery of gorgeous images, plus other art inspired by them. It also links to astronomy background resources, the news desk of
  • Ian's Shoelace Site
    Many of us have fond memories of being young and learning how to do a number of basic tasks, such as learning how to ride a bicycle, or perhaps figuring out how to properly lace up our shoes. Taking a love of shoelace tying to a new level is this very comprehensive site developed and maintained by Ian Fieggen, a computer programmer, self-employed businessman, and lover of shoelaces.
  • Idea Box: Early Childhood Education and Activity Resources
    Idea Box: Early Childhood Education and Activity Resources Find an Idea of the Day and other resources at this site. Activities lists things to do with young children; Seasonal holds activities, crafts, games, and songs about holidays, including Earth Day and Black History Month; Games includes musical chairs, cotton ball race, and many others; Music and Songs has finger plays and children's songs; and Craft Recipes contains "Playdough" and other craft materials.
  • Illuminations
    Designed to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics. Offers interactive lessons for students, lesson plans for teachers, and math applets, all arranged by grade level.
  • Imagine Mars Project
    Building on the success of the Mars Millennium Project, the Imagine Mars Project is a national arts, science, and education initiative that challenges K-12 students to design a futuristic Mars community. Students first explore their own community and decide which arts, scientific, and cultural elements will be important on Mars.
  • IMovies Information about Apple's iMovie is available at this Website. This software can be used with digital camcorders to do easy video editing and production of CD, Web, DVD, or videotape movies.
  • In Search of the Ways of Knowing Trail
    - Your jeep breaks down on your way to the remote village of Epulu in central Africa. You along with four youths from different local cultures are forced to walk through the Ituri Forest to get there.
  • Instructional Design for Integrating Technologies
    This interactive, online tutorial develops skill in designing instruction that integrates instructional technology. Somewhat unsettling because homepage opens up with a login screen and no additional info; however, registration is free.When completed, the user produces a professional instructional design.
  • InTime: integrating new technologies into the methods of education
    InTime: Integrating new technologies into the methods of education. Date: 2003 Grade(s): K - 12 This Internet site offers a collection of online video vignettes that demonstrate how preK-12 teachers are integrating technology into their classroom lessons.
  • Isometric Drawing Tool
    Isometric Drawing ToolUse this interactive mathlet to make dynamic drawings on isometric dot paper. You can draw figures using edges, faces, or cubes.
    The Web site is a project of the National Academy of Sciences intended to showcase the accomplishments of contemporary women in science and to highlight for young people the varied and intriguing careers of some of today's most prominent female scientists. The site draws from and accompanies the publication of a ten-volume series of biographies entitled Women's Adventures in Science, co-published by the Joseph Henry Press (an imprint of the National Academies Press) and Scholastic Library Publishing.
  • JASON Project home page
    Grades: Kindergarten - 12 Synopsis: Don't worry, this is not another scary movie installment! This JASON is an educational program that lets students and teachers perform exciting scientific fieldwork from their classrooms, exploring regions from the polar ice caps to the steamy rain forests.
  • Jazz Appreciation Month
    What does bebop sound like? How did jazz evolve? Learn about Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, and others. See ideas for celebrating jazz appreciation month and for studying jazz in U.S.
  • Journey North
    (Webby Award) On this community-building Web site, students track migratory species and post their own field observations, as well as their notes about daylight, temperatures, and other aspects of the natural world. Some satellite coverage of migrations provides live data of individual animals as they move.
  • K12 Handhelds
    K12 HandheldsHandhelds is a company which focuses on handheld computing in education. It provides schools with integrated solutions for handheld use in education that include: planning, professional development, hardware, software and applications, educational bundles, implementation and support, and assessment.
    C'mon in and learn all about banking at! Have some fun in this learning website. We hope to help you and your children explore some of the fundamentals of banking.
  • Latin American History A free online game that explores 500 years of Latin American history. Conceptualized by Los Angeles high school students and artists, explores a rich and painful past unknown to the children of those immigrant families who left the region.
  • Learning Resources
    Learning Resources Dozens of TV news stories with full video clips, written transcripts, and audio tracks for struggling readers to improve comprehension skills. With additional exercises.
  • Learning styles assessment
    Learning Styles AssessmentRead the word(s) in the left column and pick the description that best expresses how you usually handle each situation.This site contains a matrix to help the user to assess his or her learning styles.
  • Learning to Adapt Lesson Plans to Different Teaching Styles and Computer Configurations
    How do you adapt a lesson to different teaching styles and classroom computer configurations. This is an important resource because many teachers can access the lesson plans, but need to learn to tailor them for their own uses.
  • Leonard Berstein, An American Life
    is a guide to an 11-part documentary illuminating the life and work of one of America's greatest classical musicians, Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990). An audio overview -- and websites for learning about Bernstein and classical music -- are provided.
  • Lest We Forget: The Triumph Over Slavery
    Lest We Forget: The Triumph Over Slavery [Macromedia Flash Player] In conjunction with the United Nations resolution designating 2004 as the International Year to Commemorate the Struggle Against Slavery and its Abolition, New York Public Library's Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture presents this Web exhibit. Making use of Schomburg Center materials, as well as items loaned by other public institutions and private collections, the Web exhibition begins with a section entitled "A New People" that traces the complex genetic heritage of today's African- Americans--the vast majority descended from enslaved Africans--but also counting Europeans, Native Americans, and Asians among their ancestors.
  • Lewis and Clark as Naturalists
    home.html Lewis and Clark as Naturalists, a Smithsonian Institution web site. In this site, you will be able to follow the Lewis and Clark trail, and discover the flora and fauna as they described it along the way.
  • Life Along The Faultline
    Under some conditions, the earth can behave like a liquid when an earthquake hits. With a baking pan full of sand, some water, and a brick, you can see this for yourself Features: Lesson ideas Graphics/Multimedia .
  • listible! Quick Way to Get Resources Listible is a new way to get relevant resources quickly. By using Web 2.0 features such as AJAX, folksonomy (tagging), social elements such as voting/commenting and the listible's listonomy (listing), resources can be sorted in a way that will be digestible.
  • Literacy Link
    LiteracyLink This site contains "basic education and GED preparation tools" designed for "underserved and hard-to-reach adults and their teachers." Contains online lessons with a teacher, video clips, and programs to help adult learners improve reading, math, writing, GED, and basic workplace skills. Also includes professional development and training resources for educators.
  • Making Cents out of Centimes ( 3-5)
    EconEdLink, National Council on Economic Education Students learn about the Euro, the currency of Italy and the European Union, and how to exchange dollars for Euros through an online simulation.
  • Master Tools
    Modeling and Simulation Tools for Education Reform MasterTools, developd by the Shodor Education Foundation, Inc. are the resulrts of on-going collaborations with the Education, Oreach and Training Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure ( EOT-Paci) National Center for SuperComputing Applications ( NCSA) George Mason University and other education organizations.
  • Mathematics Across the Curriculum
    Mathematics Across the Curriculum features an "electronic bookshelf" of materials for teaching math in art, history, literature, & music, as well as science, engineering, & other disciplines traditionally associated with math. Topics include misleading averages, bar codes, crime statistics, DNA, data analysis, expert systems, gasoline, information theory, medical testing, music & computers, nutrition, polls, population growth, probability, remote sensing, SIDS, & vaccines.
  • Mathematics at the Mall
    Overview: In the following lesson, students participate in an activity in which they develop number sense in and around the shopping mall. There are two activities in this lesson.
  • Mathtools
    This site offers hundreds of math lesson plans, learning activities, and stories for kindergarten through grade 7, and covers algebra, geometry, calculus, and probability and statistics. Specific topics include estimation, fractions, fractals, tessellations, platonic solids, and much more.
  • Microscope Imaging Station
    In Summer 2004, the Exploratorium launched the most ambitious microscope facility ever created for use by the general public, the Microscope Imaging Station. The initial phase of the project gives visitors the ability to image living specimens, as well as control the microscopes themselves.
  • Molecular Logic Database
    The models are primarily of interactions of atoms and molecules, or rule-based genetics. interactions of atoms & molecules, & rule-based genetics.
  • Molecularium, Kid Site
    - What lives in the nano world? You'll find out here through interactive activities, a gallery, and more! By Rensselaer’s Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center for Directed Assembly of Nanostructures. You'll need the free Flash Player.
  • Money Math, Lessons for Life
    is a teacher's guide for helping middle school math students learn how to manage their money, stay out of debt, and save for retirement. Lesson plans, reproducible activity pages, and teaching tips are included in the 86-page guide, which draws on real-life examples from personal finance.
  • My Majors
    Have you decided that you want to go to college, but don't know what you want to major in? If you aren't sure, can provide useful advice on college and university majors that a high school senior or college freshman with your interests and achievements might do well in. is designed as a free tool to help high school students select a major by engaging them in a brief interview about their achievements, values and interests.
  • My Slave Ancestors
    A site operated by Johni Cerny, who was the primary researcher into the ancestries of Henry Louis Gates and his guests during the production of AFRICAN AMERICAN LIVES. Cerny offers resources for those interested in beginning their own research projects into their African American ancestry, ranging from sample pages of important records to a useful set of downloadable forms.
  • NASA's new Kids Club Web site
    NASA's new Kids' Club Web site features animated, colorful, entertaining, and educational activities for K-4 students. Interactive games on the site teach children about exploring space, building and launching rockets, keeping airplanes on schedule, and how a comet travels through the solar system.
  • National Gallery of Arts for Kids
    National Gallery of Arts for Kids. The website welcomes you with a visual presentation of pictures and has a list of upcoming programs, films and events for kids.
  • National Parks Associated with African Americans: An Ethnographic Perspective
    National Parks Associated with African Americans: An Ethnographic Perspective is an interactive map that links to some of the many national parks commemorating the African American story in our nation's culture, heritage, and history. It also includes links to parks having less well known or only recently uncovered associations with African Americans.
  • National Science Foundation User-Friendly Handbook for Project Evaluation
    • National Science Foundation • Abstract: An excellent overview of the project/program evaluation process with a comparison of the various research methods used in evaluation. Also includes a bibliography of additional resources and a glossary.
  • New Horizons; NASA's Pluto-Kuiper Belt Mission
    The NASA New Horizons mission, scheduled to be launched in early 2006 and to reach Pluto in 2015, "is the first mission to the last planet -- the initial reconnaissance of Pluto-Charon and the Kuiper Belt." Find a mission overview, a FAQ, and facts about mission spacecraft and science. The section "P-K Bits" includes amusing facts.
  • NGA CLASSROOM for Teachers and Students
    The Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE) is a distributed community effort involving educators, students, and scientists working together to improve the quality, quantity, and efficiency of teaching and learning about the Earth system at all levels. Welcome to a place where teachers and students can connect art and curriculum.
  • Ocean Explorer has selected the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration�s (NOAA) Ocean Explorer Web site as a winner of its 2003 Sci/Tech Web Awards, one of only five sites in the Earth and Environment category, The NOAA Ocean Exploration program strives to engage broad audiences to enhance America�s environmental literacy through the excitement of ocean discovery. Increasing this literacy requires high-quality, effective collaborations between ocean explorers and America�s teachers.
  • Origins, Arecibo, Astrobiology
    What are the limits of life? Explore surprising environments on Earth and elsewhere where life is or may be found.
  • PBS Kids Cyberchase
    PBS Kids CyberchaseA fun math related game is available every day at Cyberchase. Use the show to reinforce a concept taught in class.
  • People Like Me "It's About Time!"
    World Arts West: People Like Me Activities - This site is a good resource for teachers who want to incorporate performing arts and cultural appreciation into their curriculum.
  • Physics Central
    "We invite you to visit our site every week to find out how physics is part of your world. We'll answer your questions on how things work and keep you informed with daily updates on physics in the news.
  • Physics Education Technology ( PHET)
    produces fun, interactive simulations of physical phenomena. More than 35 simulations let students experiment with circuits, string tension, kinetic & potential energy, radios waves & electromagnetic fields, balloons & static electricity, ideal gas & buoyancy, velocity & acceleration, sound waves & the Doppler effect, & more.
  • Physics Education Technology ( PHET)
    produces fun, interactive simulations of physical phenomena. More than 35 simulations let students experiment with circuits, string tension, kinetic and potential energy, radio waves and electromagnetic fields, balloons and static electricity, ideal gas and buoyancy, velocity and acceleration, sound waves and the Doppler effect, and more.
  • Playspace: Learning in playful digital learning environments
    Playspace is an interdisciplinary and interinstitutional research effort, focused on exploring the educational value of playful digital learning environments. This project generated a rubric for designing and assessing educational games as well as several papers concerning commercial games and its use with educational purposes.
  • The Podcast Directory
    Search or browse through hundreds of podcasts (subscription-based Internet audio broadcasts). Topic areas include music, comedy, arts, computers, science and technology, news, sports, and more.
  • Podcasting for K-12 Librarians
    Description: This 2006 article provides an introduction to podcasting, and looks at its applications in school libraries. Includes definitions, reasons to use podcasts, steps to creating your own podcasts, further reading, and podcasting resources (podcast content, directories, and recording software).
  • Powerful Patterns ( K-2)
    Illuminations, The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Students use logical thinking to create, identify, extend and translate patterns. They make patterns with objects, numbers and shapes, and also explore a variety of patterns in mathematics, physical education, science and social studies.
  • PowerPoint in the Classroom
    Written for K-12 students, this tutorial covers all the basics and more of using the Microsoft PowerPoint presentation software. This Microsoft-related site also includes tutorials on other Microsoft programs such as the e-mail software program Outlook Express, the Web browser Internet Explorer 4, and the Web site editor Front Page.
  • Practical Money Skills for Life
    Created by the folks at Visa, this website checks out as a good learning center for all ages. Lessons (look under For Teachers) include Spending Plans (for younger children) up to Living on your Own (for college age students).
  • Primary Research
    Primary Research is the Internet presence of a number of projects involving high school students and local history. Central to all of these projects is collaboration among research institutions such as historical societies, libraries, archives, and museums.
  • PrimaryMath
    PrimaryMath provides interactive drill in basic arithmetic, from simple addition to long division including optional decimals and signed numbers. It is designed to replace paper arithmetic assignments and remove a layer of tedium from the learning process for both the teacher (or parent) and student.
  • Project Interactivate
    Project Interactivate is mathmatics courseware developed by the Shodor Education Foundation in collaboration with classroom teachers, content experts, curriculum designers and educational technologists. The project contains more than ninety classroom tested interactive activities.
  • Questacon, Australia's National Science and Technology Center
    Welcome to Questacon, Australia's National Science & Technology Centre! Questacon runs exciting educational programmes and exhibitions both in our headquarters in Canberra, and all around Australia! Here in Canberra your class can spend an evening or even sleepover at Questacon, see a science show or have the Questacon Balloon visit your school! Find more on our teacher's calendar. If you're in Sydney we have the Science Squad, and maybe the Shell Questcon Science Circus or Questacon Smart Moves team will be coming your way if you live further away.
  • Race and Place , an African American Community in the Jim Crow South
    Race and Place: An African American Community in the Jim Crow South is a collaborative work with the Woodson Institute for Afro-American and African Studies at UVA. The project examines the era of segregation in one community and explores African American politics, families, schools, businesses, churches, and other institutions to gain perspective on African American history and the culture of the segregated South.http://.
  • Recent World Activity
    Find webpages that provide resources for teachers on the topics of earth structure, earthquakes, plate tectonics, and earthquake preparedness. Features: Lesson ideas Graphics/Multimedia Inquiry materials.
  • Robin Whirlybird on Her Rotorcraft Adventures: NASA Website
    K-4 teachers can use the newly released 'Robin Whirlybird on her Rotorcraft Adventures' to engage young students in science while strengthening their language and vocabulary skills. The NASA Ames Educational Technology Team developed this online, interactive multimedia storybook that explains aeronautics and rotorcraft research to young children.
  • Robotics Alliance Program
    Calling all student inventors and aspiring mechanical engineers: The scientists at NASA are looking for a few good minds to participate in the Robotics Alliance Project, a nationwide competition that awards students for designing and building robots. With a fresh look and feel, this longtime NASA web site provides information for teachers and students seeking sponsorships and entry into the 2005-06 FIRST Robotics Competition, an international sporting event that pits student-made robots against one another in a race for mechanical superiority.
  • Rocketboom, A Daily VLog with Amanda Condon
    Rocketboom: Daily Vlog With Amanda Congdon "Rocketboom is a three minute daily videoblog [vlog, a blog that primarily uses video for its content]. ..
  • School Technology and Readiness
    This CEO forum chart(a focus on digital learning)Year 3 Report (PDF version is 742k- please allow several minutes for download)Year 3 STaR Chart (PDF version) a focus on digital learning.
  • Schools Online
    A searchable collection of study units for both students and teachers. Areas include plant science, incubation and embryology, worm anatomy, natural resources and the environment, apples, aging, sports and nutrition, and social development.
  • Science Explorations
    Ever wonder how the domed tortoise's shell protects it from predators--or what Charles Darwin saw when he visited the Galapagos Islands? recently launched a new section of its web site, called Science Explorations, as part of an ongoing partnership between Scholastic and the American Museum of Natural History to promote science literacy among students in grades 3-10. Students who visit Science Explorations can take part in live chats with scientists from the museum, uncover clues in online investigations and activities, and keep a record of their discoveries in their own field journal.
  • Science of Music: Exploratorium's Accidental Scientist
    [MacromediaFlashReader] The science of music may not be something most people think to wonder about, but for those who do, this lovely online collection of exhibits and activities provided by the Exploratorium will be of great interest. Visitors can explore the science of music through these different exhibits, short movies, and questions.
  • Science with NOAA Research
    - This web page provides middle school science students and teachers with research and investigation experiences using on-line resources. Teachers will find information that will help them prepare students for investigating the various sites in this program.
  • Seeing Math
    features a math curriculum, professional development for teachers, & software "interactives." The interactives, available on the web, clarify key algebra concepts. They help students see connections between symbolic & graphic representations of quadratic functions, linear functions, piecewise linear functions, & more.
  • Silk Road Project for Teachers
    For Teachers� Silk Road Encounters Education Kit As a symbol of the crossroads between civilizations, peoples, and cultures, the Silk Roads offer rich materials for students to explore diverse but inter-related topics on geography, trade, art, music, religion, and history. This Kit supplements traditional classroom materials with a Sourcebook, interactive activity plans, audio and visual samplers, as well as reference materials.
  • Silk Road, Trade, Travel, War and Faith
    Silk Road: Trade, Travel, War and Faith [Macromedia Shockwave] Pathways of travel have led to some of the most compelling and creative cultural exchanges in human history, and the Silk Road was one such pathway. Stretching from China to the Mediterranean, the Silk Road was actually a complex network of interconnected pathways that were influenced by a diverse set of civilizations, including those in China, India, and Turkey.
  • SIMBAD Astronomical Database [Java]
    SIMBAD Astronomical Database [Java] "The SIMBAD astronomical database provides basic data, cross- identifications, and bibliography for astronomical objects outside the solar system." Created by the Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS) in France, the website contains over three million objects, eight and a half million identifiers, one hundred thousand bibliographical references, and four million citations of objects in papers. The data can be searched by object name, coordinates, filters, and by a list of objects.
  • SimScience
    SimScience This site uses computer simulations to explain fluid flows, surfaces and membranes, why a dam cracks, and what is crackling noise. Included are WAV sound files and QuickTime movies.
  • Soy Unica! Soy Latina!
    This site is designed to help Hispanic girls ages 9-14 "build and enhance their own self-esteem, mental health, decision-making and assertiveness skills, and to prevent the harmful consequences of alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs." Find information about family history, planning for the future, and Latina role models. Includes homework tips.
  • Statistics
    With the winning combination of statistics and politics, this Annenberg/CPB Website offers an original, educational, and entertaining online experience. Visitors follow a fictional race between two candidates by reading news bulletins, then learn basic statistical concepts in a real-world context.
  • Storyline Online
    The Screen Actors Guild Foundation has created Storyline Online, an online streaming video program featuring SAG members reading children’s books aloud. Hand-picked by Book Pals National Program Director Ellen Nathan, a former teacher and librarian, each of the books on this site offers an accompanying lesson plan and activity guide.
  • Superthinkers
    SuperThinkers features a set of original interactive mysteries designed to foster literacy and problem-solving. Created by children's book author & illustrator/educator Peter H.
  • T4 - A Technology Innovation Challenge Grant Program
    T4 is a 1999 program of the Technology Innovation Challenge Grant. Our website provides a resource for teachers, providing a searchable database of webquests developed by classroom teachers.
  • TeraGrid Related Education Resources & Opportunites
    The Resource Providers of TeraGrid offer a variety of workshops, institutes, seminars and on-line learning resources to engage the community in making effective use of TeraGrid resources. A list of these learning opportunities across all of the Resource Provider sites is posted on the Education, Outreach and Training web pages at .
  • TerraServer
    TerraServer contains 3.3 tera-bytes of high resolution USGS aerial imagery and USGS topographic maps. You can locate imagery by clicking on the map above, entering a city or town name in the "Search TerraServer" form at the top of the page, or entering a U.S.
  • The Anthropology of Mythology
    The Anthropology of Mythology is focused on providing scholastic direction and tools for researching world mythology through art, poetry, sacred literature, cultural anthropology, Jungian or Depth Psychology, and global religions. Each of these areas is demonstrative of humankind's eternal font of creative expression and participation in the transcendent mystery.
  • The Bioluminescence Web Page
    A collection of beautiful photos and a few movies along with the science behind and current research about bioluminescence. By researchers at the University of California Santa Barbara.
  • The Bioluminescence Web Page
    - A collection of beautiful photos and a few movies along with the science behind and current research about bioluminescence. By researchers at the University of California Santa Barbara.
  • The Captioned Media Program
    offers over 4,000 free-loan, educational and general-interest open-captioned videos. Educational videos are accompanied by lesson guides and include topics in school subject areas, preschool through college.
  • The Career Key
    Online career planning assessment, with interpretation The career testing is quite interesting, for career pathway thinking. .
  • The Center for Innovation in Engineering and Science Education
    Center for Innovation in Engineering and Science Education provides inquiry-based activities and collaborative projects in science and math. Topics include real-time weather and climate data, air pollution, remote sensing data, the Gulf Stream, water use and testing around the world, boiling water, plants and animals in your schoolyard, measuring the circumference of earth, population growth, and tracking a real airplane in flight to see how vectors and trigonometry are used for navigation.
  • The Chemistry of Autumn Colors
    This site briefly describes the chemical process that occurs each fall when the leaves of plants in the Northern Hemisphere change from green "to brilliant shades of yellow, orange, and red." From a University of Wisconsin-Madison chemistry professor. Subjects: Fall foliage .
  • The Coastal Ocean Observatory Laboratory room (aka COOLroom)
    The Rutgers Marine and Coastal Sciences (RMCS), in conjunction with the Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve (JCNERR) has addressed the need for innovative materials that provide educators with the knowledge and skills they need to develop scientific literacy in their students The COOL Classroom is a series of Internet-based instructional modules that link middle and high school classrooms with active research investigations at the Rutgers Marine & Coastal Sciences (RMCS) COOLroom, a collaboration of oceanographers studying the coastal ocean off the coast of New Jersey. Here you will find information about how to use the COOL projects and printable teachers guides.
  • The Dynamic Earth
    An interactive treasure trove for earth science scholars and students. Information is available in text form and in interactive multimedia.
  • The Electronic Naturalist
    Grade(s): K - 8 Synopsis: While the title may seem to be a contradiction in terms (how can anything electronic be natural?), the site itself is a wonderful resource that brings a different nature topic right to students' desktops each week. Topics include "creepy crawlies," fish, reptiles, birds...basically anything that lives in nature.
  • The Encyclopedia of Educational Technology
    Bob Hoffman, Bob Hoffman, email (delete "_NO_SPAM_" from this address before using.), General Editor A publication of San Diego State University Department of Educational Technology This document is best seen with the latest browsers. The following plug-ins are required to fully interact with this document: Download Shockwave | Download QuickTime The Encyclopedia of Educational Technology (EET) is a collection of short multimedia articles on a variety of topics related to the fields of instructional design and education and training.
  • The Evaluation Center: Evaluation Support Services
    Created by The Evaluation Center at Western Michigan University, the Evaluation Support Services Web site is intended to increase the use and improve the quality of program evaluations. Resources available include evaluation checklists, a glossary of evaluation terminology, a directory of evaluators, a directory of professional development opportunities related to evaluation, and a collection of user-submitted evaluation instruments.
  • The Fibonacci Series ( 6-8)
    Science NetLinks, American Association for the Advancement of Science Students explore the Fibonacci series of numbers, named for the Italian mathematician Fibonacci (1175-1240). They identify the pattern among the numbers and look for applications of the pattern in both the natural and designed world.
  • The Galapagos Islands
    Explore Galápagos Guide to see, hear, and learn about the island wildlife, landscape, and even about the undersea submersible used by scientists in the film to explore the Galápagos waters. Classroom Investigations contains downloadable and online activities to use at home or in class.
  • The GEEE in Genome
    - "With more than 200 richly illustrated and interactive pages, The Geee! In Genome Web site invites visitors to learn about genes, stem cells, GMOs, cloning and the diversity of life. Primarily targeted at high school students and teachers, there are curriculum-based educational resources, ethical debates, interactive games and opinion polls." You'll need the free Flash player for some of the site.
  • The GLOBE Program
    GLOBE -- Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment is a worldwide network of students, teachers, and scientists working together to study and understand the global environment. Students and teachers from more than 9,500 schools in over 90 countries collect data that are then used by scientists and other researchers.
  • The Globe Program
    This is a time tested environmental program that is truly international. What is The GLOBE Program? GLOBE is a worldwide hands-on, primary and secondary school-based education and science program.
  • The K-12 Aeronautics Internet Textbook
    The principles of aeronautics for elementary and middle school children, presented in three levels in English and Spanish for beginning, intermediate, and advanced students. Curriculum Bridges provides activities that show the relationships between aeronautics and math, language arts, social studies, visual/performing arts, and literature.
  • The New Americans
    The New Americans - "Follow a diverse group of immigrants and refugees as they leave their home and families behind and learn what it means to be new Americans in the 21st century." Watch video clips, listen to music and take a quiz that will challenge your idea of what it means to be "American." Companion site to the independent film shown on PBS. The New Americans Web site offers an online educational adventure for 7th-12th grade students.
  • The Particle Adventure
    - Find answers to the eternal, fundamental questions of physics: "What is the world made of?" and "What holds it together?" The information on this site is clearly presented and well organized, with fabulous resources for teachers, including student activity sheets and links to particle physics education sites. (This site uses Flash and Shockwave.) This website requires cookies, Javascript, and Macromedia Flash.
  • The Physics Classroom, Multimedia Physics Studio
    - This site is loaded with cool animations that will help you visualize and understand major concepts in classical physics.
  • The TEACH Toolkit
    An Online Resource for Understanding Copyright and Distance Education. The Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization Act (TEACH Act) "updates copyright law pertaining to transmissions of performances and displays of copyrighted materials.
  • The Theban Mapping Project( Egyptology)
    This collection of information and links puts the material on this website in a wider context and gives you pointers on how to expand your knowledge of Egyptology. Bibliography Consult this comprehensive bibliography of the Valley of the Kings and its individual tombs for publications that will give you further information about these sites.
  • The Tomb of Tutankhamon
    This is a site that puts you in the discovery of the tomb of King Tutankhamon. You have the actual tour of the ways in which the tomb was originally explored after its discovery.
  • The Valley of the Shadow
    The Valley of the Shadow Project takes two communities, one Northern and one Southern, through the experience of the American Civil War. The project on Augusta County, Virginia and Franklin County, Pennsylvania, creates a social history of the coming, fighting, and aftermath of the Civil War.
  • The WebQuest Page
    A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented activity in which most or all of the information used by learners is drawn from the Web. WebQuests are designed to use learners' time well, to focus on using information rather than looking for it, and to support learners' thinking at the levels of analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
  • Time for Kids Black History Month
    Start your tour with the Black History Timeline (Then to Now) to prepare for the interactive quiz game Civil Rights History Challenge. "Retrace the marchers' steps by answering our questions about the fight for equal rights." Next is a popular culture quiz.
  • TryScience wants you to experience the excitement of contemporary science and technology through online and offline interactivity with science and technology centers worldwide. Science is exciting, and it's for everyone! That's why TryScience and over 400 science centers worldwide invite you to investigate, discover, and try science yourself.
  • Understanding Prejudice
    An overview of research on prejudice has been translated into multiple languages as part of an American Psychological Association initiative known as "Prejudice in Any Language: The Prejudice Translation Project." .
  • UNITAR's PATIT Training Program: E-Mail Basics
    E-mail basics from UNITAR .
  • Viewing the Earth
    You can view either a map of the Earth showing the day and night regions at this moment, or view the Earth from the Sun, the Moon, the night side of the Earth, above any location on the planet specified by latitude, longitude and altitude, from a satellite in Earth orbit, or above various cities around the globe. Images can be generated based on a full-colour image of the Earth by day and night, a topographical map of the Earth, up-to-date weather satellite imagery, or a composite image of cloud cover superimposed on a map of the Earth, a colour composite which shows clouds, land and sea temperatures, and ice, or the global distribution of water vapour.
  • Virtual Earthquake
    How can you determine the epicenter and magnitude of an earthquake? This interactive site teaches you how to determine the magnitude and epicenter of a virtual earthquake.
  • Virtual Jamestown
    Virtual Jamestown is a research-teaching-learning project to explore the legacies of the Jamestown settlement and "the Virginia experiment." .
  • Virtual Knee Surgery
    Perform a virtual knee replacement! In this guided virtual surgery you will use tools such as the scalpel and bone saw. You can also view photos from a real knee surgery.
  • Visible Proofs-Forensic Views of the Body
    Companion to a 2006-2008 exhibition that teaches about the history of forensic medicine, items in a forensic laboratory, and recent developments in forensic science. Features galleries of significant cases (such as the autopsy of President Lincoln), technologies, biographies of prominent scientists, and artifacts.
  • Visual Quantum Mechanics
    Designed to "introduce quantum physics to high school and college students who do not have a background in modern physics or higher level math." Utilizing the Shockwave plug-in, these "interactive computer visualizations and animations provide graphical descriptions of quantum effects." Site explores "properties of light emitting diodes, tunneling diodes, solar cells and even glow-in-the-dark toothbrushes are explored." From the Physics Education Research Group, Kansas State University.
  • War and Peace
    "War & Peace" exhibits photos, maps, & documents related to America's wars.Features include a Civil War timeline, letters from soldiers,homefront contributions during World War I & II, American women workers during World War II, man-on-the-street interviews after Pearl Harbor, "The Stars & Stripes" newspaper(for Army troops in France 1918-19), Winston Churchill, the Marshall Plan, Ansel Adam's book of photos of a World War II internment camp, & the Veterans History Project. (LOC) .
  • Weather Watcher 5.4b [Windows Operating System]
    As spring progresses, weather conditions can continue to fluctuate dramatically, something that may foil vacation plans or other outings. Keeping that in mind, visitors may do well to download the Weather Watcher application created by Mike Singer.
  • Web Navigation Skills Black Hills State University: Search Engines
    World Wide Web Navigation Skills Educators should be able to navigate the World Wide Web and search effectively for data on the Internet. See the following Web sites for helpful information and tutorials on these skills.
  • Welcome to Earthquakes For Teachers!
    Find webpages that provide resources for teachers on the topics of earth structure, earthquakes, plate tectonics, and earthquake preparedness. Features: Lesson ideas Graphics/Multimedia Inquiry materials.
  • Welcome to Environmental Inquiry!
    Environmental Inquiry (EI) is a website and curriculum series developed at Cornell University to help students conduct environmental science research and participate in communities of fellow student scientists. In 2003, EI won an Environmental Quality Award from EPA for Excellence in Environmental Education.
  • World Treasures of the Library of Congress: Beginnings
    The international collections of the Library of Congress started with the arrival of the Thomas Jefferson library in 1815. Today the Library's international collections are unparalleled; they are comprehensive in scope and include research materials in more than 460 languages and in many media.
  • World Wind
    World Wind lets you zoom from satellite altitude into any place on Earth. ..
  • Yuckiest Site on the Internet (Discovery)
    First there was mud. Then there were worms.
  • ‘Lost World’ of wildlife found in Indonesia
    Describing it as the discovery of a “Lost World,” conservation groups and Indonesia on Tuesday said an expedition to one of Asia’s most isolated jungles had found several dozen new species of frogs, butterflies, flowers and birds. * Life Science o Biological evolution + Species is the most fundamental unit of classification.